In the highlight of the debate of He Jinli's election four years ago, she faced a flying opponent with a fly.

This debate on Tuesday Night was countless times higher than that of that game, and this time, she faced an opponent with a bat in his head.

When he started talking about cats and dogs, those bats fired wings and screamed and flew out.

Donald Trump is talking about a topic that makes him unable to stop -he insisted that those foreign leaders laughed and threw hundreds of millions of immigrants on our heads. These people were morally corruptedThe criminal, he described a hell -like United States with passionate passion. He told a story that had been rumored in the rumor that happened in Springfield, Ohio, saying that these first -time wicked people were watching your cat's cat Wang WangStar people eat it as a snack.

"They are eating dogs. These people come to us -they are eating cats. They are eating local pets," his face flushed and spit out.He Jinli did not even need to correct him, because Dai Wei Muir, one of the two ABC news anchors who preached the night debate that night, had shot and disassembled her lies.

Some dark fantasies need to be dispersed immediately.And some mental fantasy people need to be pulled back to reality, otherwise they will float further and further, and they will never come back.

For Trump, who is mad and stubborn, this is a shameful night. He Jinli is far from complete, but she only needs to pierce him, and then watch him reveal herself.She could control herself and face his unpretentious allegations, she just shook her head sadly and showed a disdainful smile.She has mastered the skills of inspiring him to the fire -fully demonstrated her as a prosecutor.

He seemed angry.

She looks interesting.

He stretched his face.

She is smiling.

Although she was a little bit embarrassed at the beginning, she still showed self -confidence.

Although the beginning seemed a little confident, he would fall all the way.

Before the debate, people talked about how he was more than her than her, and how his image made her look smaller.Most of the time on TV broadcasting was two side -by -side faces, and the result was Trump.

In 90 minutes, he was in the trend most of his time. The two were repeating their own preferences and praised himself, but Trump was completely poor in the end.He is like a broken record, and the lyrics look both reducing and incoherent.

Will this performance affect his results on November 5?This is not sure, after all, the chaotic crazy is accustomed to us.But his unparalleled arrogance, his lie in a row, his appalling ignorance, this time presented in an ugly way. He claimed that the Democratic Party was killing the newborn. He Jinli was a Marxist, and he was a parity.Supporters of the Medical Act, thugs in the 1.6 incident are authentic peacekeepers, as well as the Russian and Ukraine War that he only needs a big deal -urgent or order!——It will end miraculously.

When so close to the election day, in the face of so many TV audiences, presented their own thoughts and thoughts like this, maybe it will really have a significant impact. In particularHe has a very different image.What I said was not her stumbling speeches and words such as "turning" and not looking back.It is not to say that her optimism and patriotism appeals.

I am talking about her grace -calmness, calmness, and reason -and when she talks about Ukraine, China and energy issues, it sounds far more cultivated than him.She made a more sufficient and skilled statement on his past performance, far stronger than his statement, which allows her to forcefully demonstrate his disregard of the law by step by step.He admires the world's dictators.

"They can control you with compliments and benefits," she stared at him."This is why there are so many military leaders who have worked with you told me, you are very shameful."

Bang!Sometimes she can be so straightforward, and she maintains a moderate contempt in the words -compared to the contempt he deserved, it is still slightly convergent, but it is obvious enough to make her discussion look pale.She has done her homework.He did nothing.He disdain to prepare: doing his homework is equivalent to saying that he has not achieved perfectness -and we know that he said on Tuesday night that he was perfect.

When talking about the damage caused by her witness to the "Trump abortion ban", her performance is very exciting, but when asked if she supports any abortion restriction policy, she flashes herWords.She is indeed dodging, avoiding positive answering questions over and over again, turning to declarations related to principles, proposals for policies, or complaints on Trump.

She swayed on issues such as fracturing oil collection and non -authorized crosses, and she promised to give a clear explanation to this.But she didn't give it.

In the preliminary comments around this debate, I don't think these will be the focus, but I am convinced that this will be a lingering annoying issue.From her statement given in 2019 and 2020 to her position now, such a change has been explained by her.The earlier this, the greater her chance of winning, and she must win.Trump has just reminded us why.

She obviously has to keep a clear distance with President Biden. When will this matter be done?On Tuesday night, she had more than once, but she just joked when she responded to Trump's roar, "You are not running for Joe Biden," there is a skeleton in such a skeleton and did not fill the meat inside.She is still too taboo to say something disrespectful to him.

But to respect Biden, the most meaningful and ideal way is to defeat Trump with all means.Biden always said that he entered the 2020 presidential election campaign to retrieve the country from Trump, because the threat of his composition was unbearable in the United States.If He Jinli successfully prevented Trump from entering the main White House, it would be meaningful for Biden's 2024 to refund -everyone would forgive him to not face reality at first.No time to pay attention to these.Now it's a critical moment.

Trump can be defeated.This is more clearly reflected on Tuesday.

He lacks preparation, obviously restless, leaving only the ability to abuse and mockery: Bayeng lying on the beach all day to bask in the sun.He Jinli kept an important state affairs, and went to reunite with the sisters of the girls' association.In addition, she couldn't get a serious economic plan.

"It seems to be four sentences," Trump complained."Run, Sport, hurry up."

Uh, these are three words.Moreover, isn't Sport running, just to not be mature?