Li Jianzhong, the former deputy mayor of Tangshan City, was accused of drinking in violation of regulations during the training of the Communist Party of China.

The website of the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on Friday (September 13) publicly notified eight typical issues of eating and drinking in violation of regulations, including: former member of the Tangshan Municipal Government and deputy mayor Li JianzhongIllegal dining and drinking, accepting subordinates and private business owners' banquets.

According to the report, Li Jianzhong dinner and drinking at the dormitory during the closed training of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee in March this year.

In addition, from September 2017 to November 2023, Li Jianzhong repeatedly accepted a banquet arranged by subordinates and private business owners in violation of regulations and drinking high -end drinks.

The above illegal eating and drinking happened one month before Li Jianzhong was investigated.

The Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection Commission reported on April 5 this year that Li Jianzhong was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and was undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Li Jianzhong was expelled from the Communist Party of China in August this year and was expelled from public office. The suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorate to review and prosecute in accordance with the law.

Public information shows that Li Jianzhong was born in September 1970 and worked in Tangshan for a long time. He has served as the head of the North District District and the secretary of Qianxi County Party Committee.In August 2021, he was promoted to the deputy mayor of Tangshan City.