Since July, the anti -corruption storm, known as the "strongest in history," swept the entire pharmaceutical industry.The prequel of this storm can be traced back to nearly two decades ago.

Speaking of the earliest or deepest pharmaceutical anti -corruption time nodes, many people in the pharmaceutical industry mentioned to the surging journalist reporters in 2005: In May of this year, the United States Depp was in China for medical care in China.Institutions and doctors were bribery, and the US regulatory agency was fined 4.79 million US dollars. In June of the same year, Zheng Xiaoyu, former director of the State Food and Drug Administration, was removed from office. At the end of the second year, the former director was "dual regulations" for suspected acceptance of bribes.

From 2005, for more than ten years, the structure of the drug supervision department has been adjusted several times, and anti -corruption measures are constantly increasing: two -vote system, drug concentrated volume procurement, and national medical insurance negotiations.The space for corruption in presidential medicine; the original food and drug supervisor, the original food and drug regulatory director, the 3 billion penalty penalty of the multinational pharmaceutical company, and the public triple hospital were fined 60 million yuan, which impressed the industry insiders.

Looking at the course of anti -corruption in the past years, in addition to "fighting tigers" or "shooting flies", the reform of the entire medical system has gradually deepened.Some experts pointed out to the surging news reporter that in order to solve the problem of corruption in the medical field, we must carry out reform, reform the medical system, improve the relevant system and regulatory mechanism, and fundamentally solve the problem.

Medicine Anti -Corruption: The Director of the Original Food and Drug Administration dropped

The expert of Xu Yucai, the former deputy director of the Shanyang County Health and Health Bureau of Shaanxi Province, the earliest impression of anti -corruption in domestic medicine was in 2006. He introduced to the surging journalist that at that time, he was in charge of the procurement of drug consumables in the hospital.The hospital meeting requires that if there is an improper income, it can be returned, which is quite similar to the self -examination and self -correction of the current hospital system.

Before the reform and opening up, the pharmaceutical industry was unified by the government, and all drugs were sold for unified purchase. All circulation channels were controlled by state -owned enterprises.Anti -corruption operations have gradually stepped onto the front desk.

At present, the earliest medical anti -corruption documents that the State Drug Administration could find was the implementation opinions of the unhealthy style of correction of pharmaceutical purchase and sales jointly released by the 6 departments at that time.Reduce the "virtual high" price of enterprises' independent pricing drugs and the high prices of some government pricing drugs.

In this classic anti -corruption case during this period, many people in the industry were impressed by a US penalty.On May 20, 2005, the U.S. regulatory authorities decided to impose a fine of US $ 4.79 million in the United States, because from the 11 years from 1991 to 2002, Depp Company's subsidiaries in Tianjin, China, to China's medical care in ChinaInstitutions and doctors made cash bribes, with a total amount of 1.623 million US dollars, while Depp earned $ 2 million from it.

More than a month later, another anti -corruption operation that really touched the deep reform of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry also kicked off.On June 22, 2005, Zheng Xiaoyu, who was 60 years old, was removed from the position of director of the State Food and Drug Administration and secretary of the party group.In December 2006, Zheng Xiaoyu was investigated for the investigation for suspected bribes; on July 10, 2007, Zheng Xiaoyin, who received 6.49 million bribes, was executed for death for bribery and neglecting his duties.

Xinhua News Agency has issued a text that, as the first director of the State Drug Administration and the director of the State Food and Drug Administration, Zheng Xiaoyin has conspired and privately bribed, ignoring the burden on his shoulders -more than one billion Chinese peopleDrug use is safe.

The law is clear: anti -corruption torture has the basis

The founder of Zhang Yong, the founder of the medical law, is impressive. The domestic medical anti -corruption case is a bribery case in 2013.He believes that the case also had a great impact internationally at the time. Not only did it issue a huge ticket, but the relevant defendants were also sentenced. This case is also very reference to now.

In July 2013, for the first time, some executives of the Ministry of Public Security disclosed some executives of GlaxoSmid (China) Investment Co., Ltd. were suspected of serious economic crimes and were placed by public security organs in Changsha, Shanghai and Henan, Hunan, and other places.EssenceIn 2014, GSK was sentenced to 3 billion yuan for bribery. This was the biggest penalty issued by China at that time. Macari and other defendants were sentenced to two to three years in prison.

Another background of GSK's sky -high tickets is that medical anti -corruption has gradually risen from regulatory departments to legal level.

On July 25, 2023, the amendments to the Criminal Law (12) draft the Fourteenth National People's Congress of the National People's Congress were submitted for review.Zhang Yong introduced to the surging news reporter that the draft amendment of the first review of the criminal law (12) has increased the punishment of bribery crimes.Six categories such as bribery in the field have been punished.At the same time, it has increased the terms of punishing criminal corruption related to private enterprises.

"The original medical anti -corruption only had policy documents, but conviction must be within the legal scope of criminal law." Zhang Yong believes that the problem of gold sales in the field of pharmaceuticals has existed for a long time.The punishment of the bribery will definitely be strengthened.

Anti -corruption upgrade: 14 departments joint anti -corruption, and the Medical Insurance Bureau joined

Since the reform and opening up, the pharmaceutical regulatory authorities have been adjusted many times. For example, in 1978, my country established the State Administration of Drug Administration and directly under the State Council. Until 2018, the State Drug Administration was established and placed on the newly established State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration. After eight changes.

The changes in the regulatory authorities, and the anti -corruption of medicine also shows different characteristics.Ding Jihua, an expert of the National Enterprise Compliance Committee of the China Trade Promotion Commission, pointed out that the past pharmaceutical anti -corruption was mainly promoted by the health department.The translucent law enforcement method, the systemic anti -corruption presence of systematic governance characteristics.

Zhang Yong told the surging news reporter that from the Ministry of Health Commission's meeting on July 21 to the deployment of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission meeting on July 28, all departments cooperated and moved.It is one of the strongest reasons in history.

Among the above -mentioned departments, the State Medical Insurance Administration was listed in March 2018. It integrates the duties of basic medical insurance, maternity insurance, and new agricultural and harmony of the urban employees and urban residents of many ministries and commissions into the National Medical Insurance Bureau.Responsible for the formulation and unified management of the National Medical Insurance Fund.Li Ling, director of the China Health Development Research Center and authoritative medical reform expert in Peking University, commented in an interview with the media that the establishment of the State Medical Insurance Bureau is a reform of a very important institutional mechanism for medical reform.

From the perspective of public information, the anti -corruption measures of the Medical Insurance Bureau are more stunned.

On July 15th, the National Medical Insurance Bureau jointly issued a flight inspection plan for the 2023 Medical Security Fund, and issued a clear inspection scope from January 1, 2022, 2023During the use and management of the medical insurance fund during December 31, the inspection team may be traced back to the previous year or extension to 2023. It is planned to complete the on-site inspection work from August-December 2023.In other words, the flight inspection work has officially started since August 1, and it will be investigated for at least two years.

How can medical anti -corruption be effective?

Zhang Yong pointed out to the surging news reporter that there may be a lucky psychology that there may be companies that think that the anti -corruption storm is just a typhoon that blows away.Having and medical insurance negotiations have become the norm in the industry.CloseSuch a tense medical anti -corruption atmosphere may soon pass, but anti -corruption in the future may be normalized.

Zhao Heng, founder of the medical strategy consulting company Latitude Health, believes that the key is institutionalized. "One is the sunny income of pharmaceutical companies to doctors, and the other is to establish a clear rule.Regulatory regulations for medical institutions and doctors. The premise of compliance is to establish an institutionalized regulatory mechanism, otherwise the boundary of compliance will be blurred. "

"If anti -corruption is a sport, and does not fundamentally think about the problems in this industry, it is as if this person takes antipyretic medicine after a fever, and antiviral drugs may actually be used." Xu Yu told the surging news reporter, "It is more valuable to improve and establish a long -term mechanism or system for the establishment of a medical system from anti -corruption.

Professor Deng Yong, the person in charge of the Beijing Great Health Law and Business Team, pointed out that medical anti -corruption is closely related to medical reform. Under the current medical system, due to the problem of unfair distribution of resources and poor supervision, the phenomenon of corruption in the medical field has emerged endlessly.In order to solve the problem of corruption in the medical field, we must carry out reform, reform the medical system, improve the relevant system and regulatory mechanism, and fundamentally solve the problem.

Deng Yong further pointed out that medical reform also needs to consider how to prevent corruption.In the process of reform, it should focus on system construction, establish a sound supervision mechanism, improve the transparency and openness of the medical field, strengthen the management and supervision of medical resources, and ensure the fair distribution and reasonable use of resources.