According to the news of the Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on September 19: Recently, with the approval of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee was suspected of serious disciplinary violations of disciplineThe problem was investigated and investigated.

Kong Lingdong

After investigation, Kong Lingdong was a party member leading cadre and national public officials, losing his ideals and convictions, abandoning the mission of his original intention, dishonesting the party and unrealistic, and consciousness to fight against organizational review., Long -term acceptance of gifts, gifts, consumer cards that may affect fair execution of official duties; cadres in illegal selection and appointment; engage in money transactions; incorrectly perform their duties, formulate it from actual formulation and forcibly request the completion of economic indicators and tasks.Cause adverse effects.Intervention and intervening in market economic activities in violation of regulations; use public power as a tool for self -interest, and use job convenience to help others in terms of engineering contracting and corporate operations, and illegally receive huge property.

Kong Lingdong seriously violated the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline and work discipline, constituted serious duties and suspected bribery crimes.Should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China.After the review, it was reported to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for approval, and decided to give Kong Lingdong to expel party membership.The qualifications of the next party congress; the collection of its disciplinary illegal income; transferring it to the procuratorial organs for the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute the prosecution, and the property involved was transferred.

Kong Lingdong is a member of the 14th Qinghai Provincial Party Committee.

Article 42 of the Chinese Communist Party Constitution stipulates that the members and alternate members of the party's central committees and local committees at all levels will give the party to the party's post, check or expel party membership in the party.The majority of the committee of the committee decide more than two -thirds of the meeting.During the meeting of the plenary meeting, the Politburo and the Standing Committee of the Central Politburo and local committees can be made to make a decision, and the general meeting of the committee will be recognized. The above -mentioned punishment of members of local committees and alternate members must be reviewed by the Standing Committee of the Disciplinary Inspection Commission of higher -level disciplinary inspection committees.

On January 19 this year, Kong Lingdong was checked.

According to the public resume, Kong Lingdong was born in December 1970 and worked in Xining for a long time. He served as Deputy Director of the Economic Development Bureau of the Xining Economic and Technological Development Zone, Deputy Director of the Finance Bureau, and Deputy Director of China Merchants Center.

In 2006, Kong Lingdong was appointed Deputy District Chief of Chengdong District, Xining City, and the following year he served as deputy director of the management committee of the Dongchuan Industrial Park of Xining Economic and Technological Development Zone and deputy director of the Nanchuan Industrial Park Management Committee.

In 2010, Kong Lingdong served as an investigator of Xining Economic and Technological Development Zone, deputy director of the Dongchuan Industrial Park Management Committee, and later the director of the Dongchuan Industrial Park Management Committee, and a member of the Party Working Committee of Xining Economic and Technological Development Zone.

In 2014, Kong Lingdong served as the director of Xining Development and Reform Commission and Secretary of the Party Group.

In June 2019, Kong Lingdong was appointed Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Party Working Committee of Xining (National) Economic and Technological Development Zone.

In December 2019, Kong Lingdong was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Xining Municipal Committee, the executive deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xining (National) Economic and Technological Development Zone, and executive deputy director of the management committee.

In April 2021, Kong Lingdong was appointed Deputy Secretary and Mayor of the Xining Municipal Committee. He was removed from office in January this year and was checked in the same month.

After being investigated, many cadres who had worked with him were investigated.

July 31 news, Wang Ping, a counselor of the People's Government of Qinghai Province, was investigated.Wang Ping was the director of the Urban and Rural Planning and Construction Bureau of Xining City, deputy mayor of Xining City, and member of the Standing Committee of Xining Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor.

August 18 news, Yao Lin, former director of the Economic and Information Technology Commission of Qinghai Province, was investigated.In 2005, Yao Lin was appointed Deputy Mayor of Xining and executive deputy director of Xining (National) Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee.Deputy Secretary and Executive Deputy Director of Management Committee.In 2010, he served as member of the Standing Committee of the Xining Municipal Committee and the executive deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xining (National) Economic and Technological Development Zone and Executive Deputy Director of the Management Committee. He was the director of the main hall. In 2016, he was transferred to the director of the Qinghai Economic and Information Commission.