Beijing News (Reporter Liu Siwei) After being sexually assaulted, Zhang Tong (pseudonym), a 13 -year -old girl in Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Province, was "secondary damage".On July 31, the Yanchuan County People's Court uploaded the civil dispute judgment of the case to the referee document network without the personal information of the minor victims.On the afternoon of August 16th, the reporter from the Beijing News learned from the Trumpegical Law of the case that the person in charge of the relevant responsible has been punished by the disciplinary inspection department.

The verdict shows that in 2022, Bai chatted with Zhang Tong, a 13 -year -old Zhang Tong online through a short video platform. After the meeting, the two had sex.The Yanchuan County People's Court sentenced Bai to 5 years and 9 months in prison for rape, and civil judgment Bai compensated Zhang Tong more than 6,200 yuan.Zhang Tong's uncle Wang Tao (pseudonym) said that Bai was a public official in the cause of a local department in Yanchuan.The judgment showed that Bai said that "his public office has been fired."

Wang Tao told the Beijing News reporter that on August 2nd this year, he saw in a short video reported in Zhang Tong's sexual assault case that the screenshot of the civil case judgment on the referee document online revealed the name of the niece and the victim.He immediately logged in to the referee document network and found that the upload time of the judgment involved was July 31. Zhang Tong's name, the guardian's name, the family address, and the case of the rape case were all publicly disclosed.Wang Tao said that Zhang Tong's family found the Yan'an Intermediate People's Court hoping to withdraw the judgment. Under the intervention of the higher court, on August 7, the judgment was removed from the net.

The Zhang Tong case civil judgment on the Internet, the blocking part of the personal information was originally Zhang Tong and Bai.Photo Conferring

On August 16, the reporter retracted on the referee document network and did not find the judgment.

The reporter of the Beijing News called Sun Mou, the organizer of the case, and he responded: "The Discipline Inspection Commission has filed a case for investigation and punishment (leaked the privacy of minors) and punished the corresponding personnel.Leader. "

Wang Tao introduced that after the rape case, Zhang Tong had stopped school for one year and suffered from depression and anxiety. At present, the state is extremely poor. He has been trying to find death. The family has to look at her in turn."Children are also brushing short videos. Seeing that their names have been seen by so many netizens, their emotions are very ups and downs." He said.

Huang Xiaoyu, a lawyer of Beijing Yingke Law Firm, said that according to Article 8 of the provisions of the people's court on the Internet, when the court announced the referee in the InternetHidden.Article 10 stipulates that when the court publishes referee documents on the Internet, it shall delete personal information such as home address, communication method, and ID number of natural persons.

According to this regulation, if the minor needs to be approved, especially for personal information involving sexual assault such as sexual assault, it should be carefully handled carefully and carefully.At the same time, the personal information of natural persons of the parties should be strictly protected.

On May 25 this year, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Justice issued opinions on handling criminal cases of sexually assaulted minors.For the identity information involving minors and the information that may infer the identity information and the details involving sexual assault, judge, prosecutors, investigators, lawyers, and relevant personnel participating in lawsuits should be kept confidential.Public litigation documents shall not disclose the identity information of minors and other information that may infer the identity information. The facts of sexual assault must be described in a proper way.

Editor Yang Hai School against Wu Xingfa