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Anti -corruption in the field of medicine continues.

The Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, August 14th News: Du Pengfei, the former party secretary of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations.Supervision and investigation.

Du Pengfei

Public information shows that Du Pengfei has served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Executive Deputy Dean of the First Affiliated College of Anke Medical University. Relevant reports in January 2011 show that he has served as the Second Academy of Announcement of the University of Ann.Secretary of the Party Committee, in January 2018, he no longer holds the position of party secretary. Relevant reports in 2019 show that he is the vice chairman of the Anhui Provincial Medical Association.

According to relevant information, After retirement, he also worked at a private hospital.

On the afternoon of August 11 this year, the Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection held a video conference on provincial, municipal, and county disciplinary committees to mobilize the deploymentEssence

The meeting pointed out that we must adhere to the positioning of responsibilities, highlight the focus of investigating and dealt with, strictly supervise and enforcement of disciplinary enforcement, insist on accepting bribes and bribes to check together, focus on the forces to check a number of key clues, investigate and deal with a group of typical cases, punish a group of corrupt elements, and punish a group of corrupt elements.Exposes a group of typical cases to form momentum and deterrent. We must accurately grasp the policy and strategies, comprehensively use the "four forms", adhere to punishment of the front and back, treat the disease and save people, and treat people with different ways to treat people to maximize educating people, influence, and saving people.We must insist on not rotting, not rotting, and not wanting to rot, strengthen the case of promoting reforms, promoting treatment by cases, tightly weaving a system cage, focus on promoting the treatment of corruption in the pharmaceutical field, and the governance of the source, and strive to obtain more institutionalityResults and greater governance efficiency.It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen the implementation of work, coordinate planning, make thorough deployment, and in order to cooperate with the centralized rectification work, the strong, orderly and effectiveness.

At the appointment of the party committee secretary, Du Pengfei once requested that It is strictly forbidden for pharmaceutical enterprise representatives to enter the hospital's promotional drug consumables, etc.Or dealers give any form of commercial bribery such as rebate.

On August 14, the Guiyang Discipline Inspection Commission of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province: Zhang Yunqiang, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of the First People's Hospital of Guiyang City, was investigated.

Zhang Yunqiang

Public information shows that in December 2011, Zhang Yunqiang stepped down as the director of the Dean of the Fourth People's Hospital of Guiyang City.So far being checked.

On August 8 this year, the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection held a mobilization deployment video meeting in cooperation with the provincial disciplinary inspection and supervision organs to cooperate with the centralized rectification work mobilization work and deployment of centralized rectification work, and arrange and deploy the cooperation of centralized rectification work.

The meeting emphasized that To strengthen the deterrence and rectification, keep an eye on the "key minority" and key positions, and dig deeply to investigate the issues of violations of discipline and illegal violations of power to find rents, benefit transmission, and seek personal discipline.Cases punish a group of corrupt elements and form a strong momentum and deterrent.

On July 28 this year, Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Organs cooperated with the development of corruption issues in the national pharmaceutical field to centrally rectify the deployment video conference.And speak.

The meeting pointed out that the problem of corruption in the field of medical fields is an inevitable requirement for promoting the implementation of the strategic implementation of healthy China, purifying the ecology of the pharmaceutical industry, and protecting the vital interests of the masses.Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels must deeply learn the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, and deeply understand the importance and urgency of centralized rectification work.In order to stimulate the endogenous motivation of the main responsibility with the external thrust of the supervision, in -depth system governance of the entire area of the pharmaceutical industry, full chain, and full coverage. Strengthen discipline law enforcement, pay close attention to leading cadres and key positions, insist on accepting bribes and bribes to investigate together, focus on investigating and punishing a group of corruption cases in the pharmaceutical field to form a deterrent.Grasp the policy and strategies, adhere to the facts of seeking truth from facts, in accordance with regulations, discipline and law, adhere to punishment, and treat people to save people, to educate people to the greatest extent.Strengthen the case to promote reform, promote the deepening reform and improve the system.Strengthen the implementation of work, organize the implementation of carefully, and hand over a answer to the Party Central Committee and satisfy the people.