(Wu Nan on the left side of the front row)

Tencent News high -beam author Li Hai

Evergrande Automobile, which has a cumulative loss of 98.9 billion yuan and realized only 1,000 vehicles, has risen strangely within multiple trading days after the stock resumption.

On the evening of August 14, the mystery was announced.China Evergrande and Evergrande Automobile announced that NWTN.US provided the first strategic investment of US $ 500 million to Evergrande Motors, and provided 600 million RMB transition funds.All the investment funds are used for Evergrande Automobile Tianjin plant, ensuring the normal production of Hengchi 5 and the successive mass production of Hengchi 6 and 7.

On August 15th, Evergrande's straight line rose, up up to 45%.Compared with the price of HK $ 1/share on the day of the resumption, Evergrande Automobile rose by more than 145%in just 13 trading days.According to the share subscription agreement signed by the two parties on August 14, the subscription price of Newton Group is 0.6297 Hong Kong dollars/share, and Newton Group will get about 27.50%of the total number of ordinary shares issued after Evergrande's enlargement.Most directors of Evergrande Automobile Board.The proposed transactions proposed by both parties are expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2023.

The announcement also stated that Newton Group will assist Evergrande Motors to develop overseas markets and realize that they export 30,000-50,000 Hengchi Automobile to the Middle East market each year.

Evergrande car, which has been losing money for many years and has been funded, has ushered in the Knight of White.What is the sacred by winning the Newton Group, which had been acted as the second growth curve asset by Xu Jiayin as the second growth curve asset?

The Tencent News remote light survey found that this new energy vehicle company packaged into the UAE is Chinese. It was previously known as Iconiq. It was first established by Jiangsu and Zhejiang businessmen Wu Nan in 2014.Enter the Chinese market and set up factories in Tianjin.After attracting funds including funds including Jinshajiang Venture Capital, Zhengwei Group, Yinghe Capital, Pruo Capital, AUTOX and other funds and industrial capital investment, Aconnik even hired Byton co -founder Bi Fukang, but he has not been able to new in China.Make results in the energy market.Wu Nan was also limited to high consumption for commercial disputes.

However, the gear of fate has not stopped rotating. After nearly three years of silence, in 2022, Aikonick became high -profile: first change the brand name to Newton, and announced that the global headquarters was moved to Dubai.It is announced that it has received an investment of US $ 200 million in the UAE National Sovereign Fund.

In addition, Newton also announced that it has received investment from the Jinhua government of Zhejiang.Corresponding to this, Newton invested in the super factory project in Jinhua.According to propaganda materials, the factory covers an area of 750 acres, with a total investment of 10 billion yuan. It designed 100,000 smart passenger cars (SPVs), and plans to be put into production in 2024.

It can allow the Middle East and the local government of Zhejiang to jointly invest in the landscape of the car building. The layout of the Middle East and China Tianjin and Zhejiang, dare to take over Xujiayin Hengda Motors. The mysterious Chinese businessman Wu Nan has shown strength in capital operation and complex relationship processing.However, Evergrande Automobile, which does not debt, and has a thousand annual output of thousands of vehicles, and even realize the vision of exporting to the Middle East as mentioned in the announcement, Wu Nan needs more superb product and market capabilities.

Wu Nan, a Chinese businessman from Dubai

Wu Nan, an English name of Alan Nanow. The account of the leading Heroes shows that his hometown is Zhejiang Jinhua.According to Newton Group's official website information, he obtained a bachelor's degree in Kennedy Institute of Technology in Canada in 2004, and then joined a company named JC Horizon, a waste paper recycling company invested by Chinese investment.

In 2012, Wu Nan entered the automotive industry. Since 2014, he began to plan Aconnik with a headquarters headquarters company founder Ralph, and in 2015, he brought Aconnik into the Chinese market.

At the beginning of its establishment, Aikonik's propaganda materials showed that with the launch funds from private equity, public offering and state -owned investment groups, Aconnik was established in Tianjin in 2016 and has a service agency in Shanghai and Beijing.According to propaganda materials, the company's English name iconiq means the sign of high IQ (IQ). The first strategic model of Aconiqi is iconiq seven.Ghanasur, combined with the supercar Lykan's styling language, car technology cooperates with Microsoft to develop an Internet vehicle platform. Autonomous driving technology research and development partners are Akka Technologies, hoping to be a pure electric vehicle combining artificial intelligence and personalization.

In April 2017, Aikonick released the first model designed by the W Motors team iconiq Seven. On November 28 of that year, Aikonik announced that he cooperated with Microsoft.The flagship exhibition hall opened in Dubai.

Tencent News remotely combed, and Aconnik has successively received funds such as Jinshajiang Venture Capital, Zhengwei Group, Yinghe Capital, Pruo Capital, AUTOX and other funds and industrial capital investment.

But the next way is not flat. After the multi -round financing, Aconnick has not achieved the mass production of Iconiq Seven as scheduled.Wu Nan has also been restricted to high consumption by the court for commercial disputes.

In 2019, the troubled Aconnik even hired Byton co -founder Bi Fukang as the CEO, but only 4 months later, Bi Fukang resigned at lightning and joined the FF founded by Jia Yueting until it was lifted by CEO in 2022.

Label on the red flag sedan of the UAE

Wu Nan then turned his eyes to the Middle East, which has a lot of career in his career.It is worth mentioning that the intelligent and electrified development prospects of the automotive industry have allowed the Middle East, which is rich in oil and dependence on oil, and feel a huge crisis.In the past few years, industrial funds in the Middle East have become one of the largest gold owners in the global new energy vehicle industry.

Ralph, a partner of Angnik, co -founded with Wu Nan, founded W Motors, the first high -performance luxury sports car designer in the Middle East in 2012. The company's headquarters is located in Dubai. Its activities include automotive design, development, and automotive engineering and manufacturing.

According to publicity reports, the company's first Ricken Lykan supercar, which priced at $ 3.4 million, has appeared in the 2015 speed and passion 7 in 2015.

With this tie, Aconnik had a close time with the UAE in the past at the beginning of its establishment, and used this as the main point of publicity, such as opening the first global flagship store in CITY WALK in the prosperous commercial neighborhood of Dubai; the largest high -end passenger car in the Middle EastThe dealer Abu Dhabi Automobile has formed a strategic partner; the order of the official designated car in the Dubai World Expo in 2020; and even customized special vehicles for Abu Dhabi Police.

In 2022, the renamed Newton announced that he would relocate the global headquarters to the UAE, and then worked with the local company Sultan Investments to jointly build an electric vehicle SKD assembly base in the Khalifa Industrial Zone ABU DHABI in Abu Dhabi, the UAE.In addition, Newton disclosed that since the construction of the new energy vehicle assembly factory in Abu Dhabi, UAE, has been in equipment debugging and trial operation preparations since its construction at the end of 2022.At present, the factory has obtained electric vehicle production and sales licenses issued by the UAE government, which is also Abu Dhabi's first new energy vehicle production license.

In September of the same year, Newton announced the Al ATAA Invest in Abu Dhabi, UAEENT LLC has signed a PIPE subscription agreement with a total amount of 200 million US dollars.In the public relations manuscript issued by Newton, the background of the investor MDASH; MDASH; Al ATAA Investment LLC was held by the Royal Group of Abu Dhabi.The Royal Group represented the rulers of Abu Dhabi, the Older Alene Harry family. The main members include the current UAE's current President Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the owner of Manchester City Football Club SHEIKH MANSOR BIN ZAYED Al Nahyan and Abu Dhabi Holding Company ADQ, UAEA large bank Abu Dhabi First Bank and the chairman of the Royal Group, Sheikh Tahnoon Bin Zayed Al Nahyan.Therefore, the investment direction of Al ATAA Investment is believed to directly reflect the strategic intentions of the UAE government's senior management and the Abu Dhabi royal family.This time, the Royal Group's investment in Newton was another heavy weight for the Middle East Sovereignty Fund after the Saudi Arabic Public Investment Fund (PIF) investment in Lucid.

Newton also said that the current President of the UAE has also given the first President of the UAE Rabdan to Newton, which has pinned the Hope of the UAE government for the development of new energy vehicle brands.Some media even label Rabdan a label to RABDAN in RABDAN.

The car dream of Zhejiang Jinhua

In addition to the local tyrants of the Middle East, Wu Nan also successfully lobby his hometown government mdash; mdash; Zhejiang Jinhua.

Tencent News highlights were informed that during the process of attracting the Middle East and local state -owned assets of the Middle East and China, Gong Fangxiong, the managing director of the Asia -Pacific region and the chairman of the Chinese Investment Bank, played a great role.

In June 2022, the Newton New Energy Automobile Manufacturing Project signed a contract in Zhejiang Province as one of the 12 major industrial projects.It is also the first manufacturing project with a registered capital of more than US $ 100 million. It is expected to achieve operating income of 25 billion yuan and tax for 600 million yuan in 2025.

Prior to this, Newton announced that it has received $ 400 million PIPE financing from the UAE Royal Assets Corporation, Zhejiang Jinhua local state -owned assets and other institutional investors and strategic partners.

Zhejiang Jinhua and the automotive industry have a lot of origin.Youth cars, zero -run cars, Zotye Motors, and the Tyed Ford pure electric passenger car projects have all landed here. According to Jinhua Daily, the automotive industry has always been a key industry that Jinhua Development Zone is committed to building.Looking back at the development of the automotive industry in Jinhua Development Zone, youth cars have to be mentioned.The luxury bus produced in the domestic market has more than 70%of the domestic market, and related technologies and independent research and development capabilities are in international advanced and domestic leading positions.Beginning in 2012, due to the problems of the enterprise itself, the output value of youth automobiles fell from the peak value of tens of billions, which led to the decline in the automotive industry in the development zone to the trough.

In 2014, the development zone planned to build a 10.18 square kilometer New Energy Vehicle Industrial Park. Among them, the core area was a new energy vehicle town of 3.6 square kilometers.Component manufacturing enterprises, the industry has gradually recovered.By the end of 2016, Jinhua New Energy Vehicle Industry has maintained an increase of more than 15%for 20 consecutive months. In 2016, the output of new energy vehicles in the city reached 47,900 vehicles (including 35,000 vehicles of Zotye New Energy Vehicles), accounting for about 10%of the national output.EssenceIn 2017, as the production base of Zotye Motor in Jinhua, Huake's output value increased to 6.4 billion yuan, which drove the entire automotive industry's output value of the entire automotive industry to 13.5 billion yuan, a record high.

However, the good times did not last long. In 2018, the global automotive industry's shuffle increased, and domestic automobiles were hit hard. As a result, Huake's output value fell sharply, a drop of nearly 70%, which led to nearly 40%of the output value of the automotive industry in the development zone that year, and once again fell into the low position.The following year, Huake has stopped production so far.

At the moment when the development of new energy is in full swing, zero -run cars and Newton cars will start again.

Can 500 million US dollars rescue Evergrande Automobile?

On the evening of July 26, Evergrande Automobile remedied three missing financial reports between 2021 and 2022.According to the announcement, Evergrande Automobile's cumulative losses of 98.9 billion yuan were in exchange for the delivery results of only 1,000 cars.

Some netizens have settled an account for Evergrande to calculate the total liabilities of more than 2.4 trillion yuan disclosed by Evergrande Group before.Essence

According to the announcement of Evergrande Automobile, as of March 2023, Evergrande Motors had a total of 2,795 employees, and as of June 30, 2022, the number of employees was 3,742.In the absence of new liquidity injection, Evergrande will face the risk of suspension of production.

The car building was presented by Xu Jiayin.In June 2018, Evergrande's shareholding was led by Jia Yueting's FF car and became its largest shareholder with HK $ 6.746 billion.However, after 10 years of mass production of 5 million vehicles, Evergrande began to start a stove and build a car at the end of the game due to inconsistent ideas.Since 2019, Evergrande has paid for his own pockets, sweeping globally, and launched another acquisition.

According to sorting out, as of 2021, Evergrande Motor's total investment in the new energy vehicle industry has reached 47.4 billion yuan, of which the investment in the fields of vehicle research and development, power battery, autonomous driving, and intelligent network connectivity is 24.9 billion yuan.It costs 22.5 billion in factory construction.

In 2021, Evergrande, who rushed at a high -speed rushing into the crisis of liquidity, was hoped to be blocked.According to disclosure, Evergrande can only ensure the production of a model of the Tianjin plant after the mine. This model is Hengchi 5.

On September 16, 2022, Hengchi 5 announced the official mass production. At the previous press conference, Liu Yongzhuo, president of Hengchi Automobile, said that the model was the best pure electric SUV within 300,000.

However, the delivery data of only more than 1,000 vehicles also means that at least in the moment when Evergrande's debt is the most tight, it seems that the profit of the car manufacturing business seems to be far away and the priest is unable to save the protagonist.

This time, Newton's 500 million US dollars strategic investment and 600 million yuan transition funds will be used for the Evergrande Motor Tianjin plant, ensuring the normal production of Hengchi 5 and the successive mass production of Hengchi 6 and 7.

However, according to China Evergrande's previous announcement, if Evergrande Motors can seek more than 29 billion yuan in financing, these funds will help Evergrande Motors to launch a variety of flagship models and eventually achieve mass production.

In this way, the investment of Newton Group has yet to be tested in the face of Evergrande cars with severe losses and non -debt.