Beijing mdash; mdash; Analysts said that Qin Gang's disappearance and was removed from the position of Foreign Minister's position had little effect on US -China relations.

Qin only served as a position of about six months, and disappeared from the public view at the end of June. Mdash; mdash; almost no explanation.On Tuesday, China officially announced the relief of his position of Foreign Minister.

Wang Yi, China's highest diplomat, is re -positioning the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs.At the end of last year, before he was promoted within the ruling party, he served as two foreign ministers.In the past two months, he met with US Secretary of State Anthony Middot; Brinkeakin had two meetings.

We expect that recent incidents will not have a significant impact on China's diplomatic relations, he said.In other words, the opaqueity of all these events will complicate some logistics work supporting foreign participation.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs declined to reveal why Qin had to leave.

Although Wang Zhong's position was unusual, he was promoted to the highest diplomats and his retirement expectations.

Eurasian Group China and Northeast Asian advisers Jeremy Chan and Chinese corporate affairs and US -China affairs director Anna Ashton said: In the process of letting Wang re -control the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it seems that a stable attitude of any young candidate is chosen to potentialThe successor of the successor has been reviewed and trained for time.Essence

Eurasian group analysts stated in a report: Therefore, Wang's supervision of policy implementation may strengthen the consistency of Beijing diplomatic information and actions, and further consolidate the party's strong guidance for foreign affairs.Essence

Although pressure to China has become a rare field of bipartisan agreement in the United States, critics said that the Bayeng government has not yet formulated a comprehensive strategy for China.

What's wrong with Qin?

In the recent leadership reorganization, Qin is one of the few rapidly promoted young officials.As a professional diplomat, he served as the Chinese ambassador to the United States for less than two years before serving as a foreign minister.

Dali Yang, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, said: The problem is that Qin was quickly promoted in a short period of time.EssenceThis also means that he needs to be regarded as a real up of the ups and downs, but he needs to be an example.

Yang said: This fact has become a major consideration.Essence

Most of the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs deleted the Qin and his speech.

Reuters said that earlier this month, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that due to Qin's health problems, Wang will replace Qin to attend a diplomatic party.

Yang said: Obviously, there will be many reports about what happened in the United States and other places.Essence

It is worth noting that there are so many rumors, in fact, many rumors have been allowed to spread to such a degree, but they completely avoid mentioning these rumors.This gives the rumor a lot of space.

According to the official statement, Qin retains the position of State Commissioner and is a member of the third senior Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

In May, Xie Feng served as the Chinese ambassador to the United States, filling the position of vacancy for Qin after Qin Li.

With the US Treasury Secretary Jennet Middot; Yellen and Presidential John Middot; Kerry visited Beijing this summer, the communication between the United States and China has strengthened.

Yang said: At this point, people hope that at least try not try to confront each other.EssenceThis is a truly meaningful relationship, not just the relationship between the two competitors in all aspects.

The challenge is that the election season in the United States is coming, and the remarks may become more intense.