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According to the news of the previous view, on the afternoon of July 25, the fourth session of the Standing Committee of the 16th National People's Congress of Shanghai reviewed and voted to pass the relevant personnel appointment and removal matters.Qing, Guo Fang, and Li Zheng's deputy mayor of Shanghai.

Wu Qing has been the deputy secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, Guo Fang has been the deputy director of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and Li Zheng has served as the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Secretary -General of the Municipal Party Committee.

Public resumes show that Chen Jie, male, born in April 1969, Han nationality, Suzhou, Jiangsu, member of the Communist Party of China, joined the work in March 1996, graduate student, doctor of engineering, associate researcher.

Chen Jie (Source: Shanghai Baoshan)

Chen Jie Zeng: Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Branch of Shanghai Nano Center (Host), Deputy Director and Director of the Development Planning Division of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Director of the Base Management Division, Director of the Municipal R & D Public Service Platform Management Center, Municipal Science and TechnologyDirector of the Reward Office, Director of the Municipal Technology Market Management Office, chief engineer and deputy director of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of the Municipal Zhangjiang High -tech Industrial Development Zone, Standing Committee Member of the Pudong New District Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Development and Construction Management Committee,Executive Deputy Director, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and full -time deputy director of the China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone Management Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Baoshan District Party Committee, Deputy District Chief, Agent District Chief, and District Party Secretary of the Party Group.

In January 2020, Chen Jie served as Deputy Secretary, District Chief, and Party Party Group Secretary of the Shanghai Baoshan District Party Committee; in August 2020, he served as Secretary of the Baoshan District Committee of Shanghai.