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CCTV News Client News, on July 25, the former member of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and former secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the former secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Anhui Province, Zhou Jiangyong, was sentenced to bribery.The annual implementation, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all personal property ; recovered the income of Zhou Jiangyong's bribery and recovered in accordance with the law, and paid the state treasury.

After hearing, it was found out: From 2001 to 2021, the defendant Zhou Jiangyong used the deputy county chief of the people's government of Zhejiang Province, the county head of Xiangshan County People's Government, Secretary of Xiangshan County Party Committee, Standing Committee Member of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New District Development and Construction Management ManagementSecretary of the Party Working Committee of the Committee, the mayor, mayor of Zhoushan Municipal People's Government, Mayor, Secretary of the Zhoushan Municipal Party Committee, Standing Committee Member of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee, Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, etc.Convenience conditions help relevant units and individuals to help the project construction, project contracting, land acquisition, and case treatment, and directly or through their relatives to illegally receive property of more than 182 million yuan.

Luzhou Intermediate People's Court believes that the defendant Zhou Jiangyong's behavior constitutes a crime of bribery.Zhou Jiangyong's bribery amount is particularly huge, and the interests of the country and the people suffer particularly major losses, which should be punished severely according to law. In view of the truthful confession of Zhou Jiangyong after the case, he took the initiative to explain the facts of part of the crime of bribery that the supervisory authority had not yet mastered, pleaded guilty, and actively refunded the stolen money. All the stolen money had been recovered.The court made the above judgment.

On April 27 this year, the first instance of the Intermediate People's Court of Luzhou City, Anhui Province, opened a hearing of the former member of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the former secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee Zhou Jiangyong.

On August 21, 2021, Zhou Jiangyong was investigated; January 26, 2022, Zhou Jiangyong was opened.

After investigation, Zhou Jiangyong lost his ideals and beliefs, deviated from two maintenance, was indifferent to political consciousness, and made a violation of the party's central decision -making decision -making, linked to capital, supported the disorderly expansion of capital, committed superstition activities, and worked as a confrontation.Standardized spirit, formalism at work, illegally equipped with security personnel and official vehicles, accepting banquets that may affect fair execution of official duties, and receive gifts and gifts in violation of regulations; lack of organizational principles.Personal related matters; illegal intervention intervene in the market economy and law enforcement judicial activities; without discipline and law, we can do power and money transactions, and use job convenience to make benefits for others in engineering contracting, land transfer, tax return, etc.Property, family corruption.

Zhou Jiangyong seriously violated the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, work discipline and life discipline, constituting serious duties and suspected bribery crimes.Caused treatment.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China Supervision Law in accordance with the relevant provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was studied and submitted to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for approval by the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and it was decided to give Zhou Jiangyong to expel party membership.Public office; termination of the representatives of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the qualifications of the 14th Party Congress of Zhejiang Province; collection of its disciplinary and illegal income; transferring their suspected criminal issues to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution in accordance with the law.

Zhou Jiangyong was born in September 1967. In his early years, he worked as a teacher in Jiangshan Middle School in Pixian County. Later, he worked at the Dianxian Youth League Committee, Ningbo City, Xiangshan County Party Committee, Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and other units.Mayor, later mayor.

In August 2015, Zhou Jiangyong served as the secretary of the Zhoushan Municipal Party Committee, the secretary of the Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee in February 2017, and served as the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee in June of that year; in May 2018, Zhou Jiangyong was transferred to the Secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee It was checked in August 2021.