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According to the official website of the Ministry of Education, on June 15, the Department of Personnel of the Ministry of Education announced the appointment and removal of the party group of the Ministry of Education at Beijing Language University.No longer the position of president of Beijing Language University and deputy secretary of the party committee. The main responsible comrades of the Ministry of Education and relevant comrades of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee Education Work Committee attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Duan Peng (Source of Data Map: News Network of Communication University of China)

Public information shows that Duan Peng was born in December 1974. He is a graduate student, a doctor of literature, a member of the Communist Party of China, and a professor.

Duan Peng has long served as Communication University of China.In September 2015, the Communication University of China reported that Duan Peng, who graduated from a master's degree in 2000, faced many choices, he resolutely chose to stay in the school and become a people's teacher.At that time, he said, "I came to Beijing Broadcasting College in 1993. Except for the school during the period of insurance, the school required to exercise on Beijing TV for a year, and I have not left the school for 22 years."

In July 2018, Duan Peng served as member of the Standing Committee and Vice President of the Party Committee of Communication University of China.

Public information shows that Duan Peng is the "four batches of" international communication leaders of the Central Propaganda Department, outstanding contributions of young and young experts, national candidates for millions of talent engineering, national medium and long -term science and technology development planning integration media sciencechief scientist.He has presided over and completed more than 30 domestic and international scientific research projects including the National Social Science Foundation Project, published and published more than 5 million words of Chinese and English academic achievements.(Humanities and Social Sciences) (2015) First prize, the first prize of the 13th Philosophy and Social Science Achievement Award (2014) first prize (2014) is an influential scholar in the field of media integration and communication research.

Liu Li, the president of Beijing Language University and deputy secretary of the party committee, was born in October 1961, joined the party in January 1993, and joined the work in July 1986. He graduated from Sichuan United University Chinese history majors and professors.He served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Normal University in August 2012, and in May 2017, he served as president of Beijing Language University and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee.

The official website introduces that Beijing Language University is a key university directly under the Ministry of Education. It is the only international university founded by "language" named "Language" and the main mission of spreading Chinese language culture.C first. Since the establishment of the school, it has developed into a world -renowned university that is characterized by international Chinese education, with the advantage of language education and research, and coordinated by multidisciplinary development.

Beijing Language University was born in the difficult pioneering period of New China's diplomatic cause. It was created under the caring of Premier Zhou Enlai. Chairman Mao Zedong wrote the school name.The school's predecessor was a foreign students who were founded in 1962. In 1964, they were renamed "Beijing Language Academy" and became a training base for international students to study Chinese, studying foreign languages and Chinese teachers abroad.In 1996, it was renamed "Beijing Language and Culture University" and was named "Beijing Language University" in 2002.