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According to the latest information of the "Institutional Leadership" column of the official website of the Anhui Provincial Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department, Wang Xuejun, secretary of the party group and director of the Jilin Provincial Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department, has served as party secretary of the Anhui Agricultural and Rural Department.

The official resume shows that Wang Xuejun was born in January 1972. He was born in Siyang, Jiangsu, a member of the Communist Party of China, a graduate degree, and a doctorate in agronomy.

He has served as Deputy Director of the Office of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, deputy director of the Personnel Bureau, Deputy Dean of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, members of the party group, deputy director of the Department of Science and Technology and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Central Agricultural Broadcasting and Television School, and Chinese farmersSecretary -General of the Sports Association, deputy mayor of Changchun City (job).

In February 2022, Wang Xuejun served as the party secretary of the Jilin Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department. In May 2022, he was appointed Director of the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department of Jilin Province.

Earlier, the party secretary of the Agricultural and Rural Department of Anhui Province was Lu Shiren.He was born in March 1963. He was the deputy mayor of Hefei, the member of the Standing Committee of the Hefei Municipal Party Committee, the deputy mayor, the member of the Standing Committee of the Fuyang Municipal Party Committee, the deputy mayor of the Fuyang Municipal Party Committee, the director of the Anhui Provincial Agricultural Committee, the party secretary of the party group, 2018In the year, he served as party secretary and director of the Agricultural and Rural Department of Anhui Province.