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According to the official website of the University of Capital and Trade, on the afternoon of May 30, the University of Economic and Trade University held a conference of teachers and cadres.You Jun, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Education Working Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Niu Liwei, deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, announced the decision of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government.

A few days ago, the Beijing Municipal Party Committee approved: Comrade Wang Wenju served as the secretary of the Party Committee of the Capital University of Economic and Trade, and Comrade Wu Satellite was the deputy secretary and principal of the Party Committee of the Capital University of Economic and Trade. Before this adjustment, Wang Wen raised him as the party secretary of the Beijing School of Materials; Wu Satellite was served as a member of the Standing Committee and Vice President of the Party Committee of the University of Foreign Economic and Trade. Wang Wenju (Data Map Picture Source: Beijing Materials College Official Website)

According to public resumes, Wang Wen is born in August 1965 , graduate, Ph.D. in Science, member of the Communist Party of China, professor.He graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Jilin Normal University in 1986, obtained a master's degree in science from Northeast Normal University in 1989, and a PhD in Science from Jilin University in 1993. Wang Wendu has worked at the University of Capital and Trade for a long time. , served as the director of the Scientific Research Department, assistant principal, and the curator of the library. In July 2016, Wang Wenju was transferred to the Dean of Beijing Materials Institute. In August 2019, he served as Secretary of the Party Committee of the Beijing Academy of Materials.Wu Sangang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the University of Economics and Trade, Born in October 1974 , Ph.D., professor, doctoral supervisor.Wu Satellite (Data Map Picture Source: Official Website of Foreign Economic and Trade University)

Wu Satellite graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Hubei Normal University (now Hubei Normal University) in 1998, obtained a bachelor's degree in science; graduated from the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001, obtained a master's degree in science.Institute of Science, a doctorate in Science. From August 2004, Wu Xing Satellite taught at the School of Finance of the University of Foreign Economics and Trade .Deputy Dean, In May 2014, he served as Dean of the School of Finance , and in July 2017, he served as dean and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Finance.In March 2018, Wu Xing Satellite was the executive vice president of the Graduate School of the University of Foreign Economics and Trade and the dean of the School of Finance.
In July 2020, Wu Xing Satellite served as a member of the Standing Committee and Vice President of the Party Committee of the University of Foreign Economic and Trade. Responsible for undergraduate education, graduate education, sports, informatization construction, teaching auxiliary, language, language, and security work; assist the principal in charge of audit work.According to the official website of the University of Foreign Economic and Trade, Wu Xing Satellite has been engaged in research in the fields of financial engineering, asset pricing, risk management, family finance, and government and social capital cooperation.In 2009, he was evaluated by the Capital Education Pioneer Science and Technology Innovation Individual.In addition, on May 31st, the official website of the University of Capital and Trade released news: Recently, the Municipal Party Committee decided that Comrade Meng Bo was the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Capital University of Economic and Trade. Meng Bo was born in April 1976. He is a doctor of engineering, an associate professor, and a member of the Communist Party of China.Former member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Beijing Petrochemical Institute, Minister of Organization and Minister of the United Front Work Department, member of the Party Committee of Beijing Vocational College of Political Science and Law, and secretary of the disciplinary committee.According to the official website, the Capital University of Economic and Trade was founded in 1956. It is a key university in Beijing, which was merged and formed by the former Beijing Institute of Economics and former Beijing Institute of Finance and Trade in March 1995.The school adheres to the school motto of "Chongde and the world", adheres to the development path of connotation, characteristics, and differentiated development, and develops into an important characteristic and outstanding advantages of economics and management.Beijing, which is supported by multi -disciplines and coordinated development, builds high -level research universities in Beijing.The school headquarters is located in Huaxiang, Fengtai District. It is mainly based on full -time undergraduate and graduate education, covering an area of 293,245 square meters.The Red Temple Campus is located in the Red Temple of Chaoyang District. It is mainly based on training and international students' education, covering an area of 58,378 square meters.