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According to the WeChat public account of Xinzhou Daily, Shanxi, on May 30, the Xinzhou Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission held a cadre conference to announce the decision on the adjustment of the main leaders of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission: , Nominated as the director of the Xinzhou Municipal Supervision Committee.

Wang Jianjiang (Data Map Picture Source: Tianzhen County Government official website)

Wang Jianjiang said that he resolutely obey the decision of the Provincial Party Committee.A number of work in Xinzhou Discipline Inspection and Supervision is at the forefront of the province. It can fight side by side and contribute to promoting Xinzhou's high -quality development. It is deeply responsible and glorious. To change the role and meet the needs of work as soon as possible, the fastest and best integrates into Xinzhou . Under the strong leadership of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Party Committee, based on the good work of previous work, study with an open mind, continuously improve the ability and quality; Do your best to perform your duties seriously; take the lead, be a good example, and strive to push the city's discipline inspection and supervision to the new level.

Wang Jianjiang was the secretary of the Tianzhen County Party Committee of Datong City, as a member of the Standing Committee of the Datong Municipal Party Committee in September 2021, and later served as the Minister of Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee. According to the public resume, Wang Jianjiang was born in January 1968. After graduating from Shanxi Normal University in 1992, he entered the Language News Agency of Shanxi Normal University.In 2000, Wang Jianjiang was transferred to the Editorial Department of the Political and Legal Committee of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee. He was the editor -in -chief and deputy editor -in -chief of the editorial department.In November 2008, Wang Jianjiang was the deputy secretary of the Datong City District Party Committee, and later served as the director of the Shanxi Politics and Law Propaganda Center, the investigator of the Propaganda and Education Division of the Political and Legal Committee of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee.In July 2016, Wang Jianjiang was transferred to the secretary of the Tianzhen County Party Committee.In June 2021, Wang Jianjiang was awarded the title of Secretary of the National Party Committee of the country.In September of the same year, he served as the member of the Standing Committee of the Datong Municipal Party Committee and continued to serve as the secretary of the Tianzhen County Party Committee. In November of the same year, he also served as the Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Datong Municipal Party Committee.The former member of the Standing Committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission Liu Zhuoliang, the deputy secretary of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Wutai Mountain Scenic Area, and the Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee.Source: Shanxi Daily Xinzhou Daily, etc.