US trade representative Dai Qi (May 26, May 26) During the meeting of the Minister of Trade in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Minister of Commerce, Wang Wentao, participated in the Minister of Trade in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization.Daiqi proposed dissatisfaction with the economic policy led by the Chinese government, while Wang Wentao opposed US tariffs and trade policies.

According to a statement issued by the official website of the US Trade Representative Office, Daiqi emphasized when meeting that it is necessary to solve the serious imbalance caused by China's non -market economy and trade policy led by the country.The actions taken by American companies operated in China expressed concerns.

The two sides also discussed the importance of the US -China trade relations in the global economy, and the necessity of continuing each other.

According to a press release issued by the Ministry of Commerce of China, Wang Wentao and Daiqi conducted frank, pragmatic and in -depth exchanges on the regions and multilateral issues that Sino -US economic and trade relations and common concern.China has put forward concerns about the key issues such as China ’s economic and trade policy, Taiwan -related issues in the field of economic and trade in China, Taiwan’ s Taiwan -related issues, Indo -Pacific Economic Frameworks, and 301 tariffs.

The statement of both China and the United States emphasized that Washington and Beijing need to maintain communication on trade issues.

The US Trade Representative Office is reviewing the four -year censorship of tariffs levied by hundreds of billions of dollars in Chinese imported goods. These tariffs have been levied in 2018 and 2019.

Sino -US relations, which once signs signs of relaxation, was once again deadlocked due to the balloon incident in February this year.However, senior officials between China and the United States have begun to interact frequently in the near future.U.S. President Bayeng announced on Sunday at the Sunday Group (G7) summit that Sino -US relations were "quickly thawed".Also visited in Chengdu, Sichuan.

Wang Wentao is the highest -level Chinese official visiting the United States in the past two years.During his meeting with the APEC Minister of Trade in the United States on Thursday, he also met with US Secretary of Commerce Raymond, and focused on the United States' expressed concerns about the US economic and trade policy, semiconductor policy, export control, and foreign investment review.