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According to the official WeChat public account of the Tsinghua Yangtze River Delta Research Institute in Zhejiang, on May 25, on the afternoon of May 24th, the "August 8th Strategy" Yangtze River Delta's new R & D institution was at the headquartersThe Tsinghua Lecture Hall of the hospital area was held.Wu Jianmin, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the 13th Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress and chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Association of Science and Technology, Wang Jianyu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dean of the Hangzhou Hangzhou Hangzhou Hangzhou University, Wu Xiaodong, Secretary of the Party Group of Zhejiang ProvinceHuang Kaisheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of the Tsinghua University of the Yangtze River Delta, attended the forum.

The above reports show that The former mayor of Taizhou, Wu Xiaodong, has served as the secretary of the Party Group of the Zhejiang Provincial Association of Science and Technology.

Wu Xiaodong (Data Map Source: Taizhou Municipal Government's official website)

Public information shows that Wu Xiaodong was born in December 1965, from Dongyang, Zhejiang.He has successively served as the head of the Putuo District of Zhoushan City and Secretary of the District Party Committee; Deputy Secretary -General of the Zhoushan Municipal Party Committee; Standing Committee Member of the Shaoxing Municipal Party Committee, Minister of Organization Department, President of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee;

In 2017, Wu Xiaodong served as Deputy Secretary of the Shaoxing Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. In 2018, he served as the mayor of Lishui City, served as the mayor of Taizhou in December 2021, and was elected mayor.

On May 21 this year, Shen Mingquan, director of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, served as the mayor of Taizhou City, and Wu Xiaodong resigned from the mayor of Taizhou City.

Earlier, the party secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Association of Science and Technology was Xie Zhiyuan, vice chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Association of Science and Technology.He was born in October 1970. He is currently the deputy chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress Education, Technology, Culture and Health Committee.