On the occasion of the upgrading of the Sino -US Science and Technology War, Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and the US Minister of Commerce Raymond on Thursday (May 25) held talks in Washington.Interviewees believe that this meeting has taken an important step for the thawing of Sino -US relations, but the relationship between the two countries is still fragile, and it takes time to recover.

According to the statement of the Ministry of Commerce of China, Wang Wentao met with Raymond during the meeting of the Minister of Trade, the Minister of Trade in the Asia -Pacific Economic Organization (APEC).Concern.

Wang Wentao is also the highest -level Chinese official who visited the United States for more than two years.The last visit to the United States in China was Yang Jiechi, then member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China in March 2021, and Wang Yi, then the then Foreign Minister Wang Yi, led a group to participate in the Alaska talks, and Alaska was not in the United States.

The U.S. Department of Commerce said that Raymondo expressed concerns about Beijing's recent actions in China.Although she did not mention the name of the specific company, the Chinese official Sunday (21st) just prohibited domestic key information infrastructure operators on the grounds of national security, and the domestic key information infrastructure operators purchased the American storage chip manufacturer Micron's product.

However, both China and the United States describe this as a "frank" and "substantial" and "constructive" exchanges.

The Ministry of Commerce of China said that the two parties agreed to establish communication channels to maintain and strengthen exchanges on specific economic and trade concerns and cooperation matters.The US Department of Commerce states that this meeting is one of the efforts to maintain the communication channels of the two countries and manage bilateral relations responsibly.Raymond also promised in the talks that it will continue to strengthen interaction on the basis of US President Biden and Chinese officials last year.

The Xi -worship meeting last November made Sino -US relations that continued to worsen showed signs of recovery.However, the balloon incident in February this year has caused the relationship between the two countries to fall into an impasse again.After more than three months of low pressure, Chinese and American officials have been frequent this month.Qin Gang and Wang Wentao, a Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister, met with the US ambassador to China in Beijing.Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Committee Office, talked for up to eight hours with the US President's National Security Assistant in Vienna.

After the Seventh -way Group (G7) summit held in Japan on Sunday (21st), it is predicted that Sino -US relations will be "quickly thawed."Two days later, Xie Feng, the new Chinese ambassador to the United States, flew to Washington for a new.The meeting of the Minister of Commerce of the two countries this time further boosted the optimistic emotions of the outside world's conversion on Sino -US relations.

Scholars: Sino -US officials interact with high -level interactions that the two countries are willing to stabilize bilateral relations

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at Rajernan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. This meeting was one of the highest -level direct interactions in the highest level of Chinese and American officials in the past six months.; This also laid a good foundation for the next high -level exchanges between China and the United States, and even at the end of this year to participate in the APEC summit.

But Li Mingjiang also pointed out that the core contradictions and differences between China and the United States are difficult to alleviate in the short term.The unpublished investigation report of balloon incidents, and the administrative orders that restrict US companies' investment in key areas of China may offset high -level interaction and increase their positive effect on bilateral relations.

Li Mingjiang said: "At present, Sino -US relations are still fragile, and it is easily impacted by uncertain factors."

The Minister of Commerce in China and the United States met on the same day, and Xie Feng also met with US Deputy Secretary of State Newland, only two days after he went to the United States.In comparison, Xie Feng's former Qin Gang saw two weeks after taking office in 2021 and then saw the then Deputy Secretary of State Sherman.

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, analyzed in an analysis in the interview that Xie Feng immediately met with senior US senior management after taking office, indicating that the Biden government hopes to restore the China -US interaction mechanism to a fairly extent."But these signals must be transformed into action, which is substantially significant for improving relations between the two countries. It is still too early to judge that Sino -US relations to the bottom."

Wang Wentao will go to Detroit to participate in the APEC Minister of Trade. During this period, it is expected to meet with US trade representative Dai Qi.Zhu Feng believes that restarting bilateral trade negotiations is one of the breakthroughs in improving Sino -US relations.In addition, the United States should also reduce its targets for the semiconductor industry in China, and stopsing China on issues of Xinjiang, Tibet and Taiwan."What China wants is not just a etiquette meeting, but a communication that can bring substantial results."