The mayor of Hsinchu Gao Hong'an was summoned on Friday (April 28) for the fraudulent assistant fee case. In the interview the next day, she said that the content of the prosecution's notice was very stunning and reiterated that she did not involve involvedAny corruption illegal.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Gao Hong'an went to the North Procuratorate on Friday to explain the assistant fee case and the patent of the asylum.After six hours after the investigation, Gao Hong'an was invited back to ask a large number of media inquiries not to say a word.

Gao Hong'an was interviewed at 9 am on Saturday (29th) that yesterday was the procedure for the North Inspection investigation.She no longer commented on the rumors of the procuratorial system being involved in politics.

Gao Hongan also mentioned that yesterday was the first time she had a trial of the Assets Council. "For the first time, I saw the content of the asylum. It really made me feel too much."Because the investigation stage is not easy to report to you, the case will explain to you the whole process for a while, and he will also cooperate with the investigation. He hopes that the judicial judicial judicial evidence is based on the law and objective factual evidence of the investigation as soon as possible.

The Taiwan Inspection received a report last year, saying that Gao Hongan hired former assistant and boyfriend Li Zhongting during the legislator, and his boyfriend Li Zhongting was suspected of fraud assistance fees, and asked the assistant to pay the income as a provident fund.The Regulations on Corruption and Guelion use the crime of fraud in duties and fake documents of criminal law.

Inspection, the soldiers searched at the eight roads at the end of last year and talked about Gao Hong'an and Li Zhongting. After the news, she was paid for a biography for 600,000 yuan (NT $ 26,100).During the survey of the past few months, the inspection was summoned by Li Zhongting and Gao Hongan's assistants, and on Friday, Gao Hongan was summoned to the secret place to be investigated again on Friday.