Gao Zhidan, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the General Administration of Sports of China on Friday (April 28), said that the style of style of the sports industry is prominently manifested in the frequent occurrence of corruption, the problem of the racing of the game, and the invisible mutation of the interests of interests.He demanded to curb the increase in sports corruption with the most decisive measures, and reduce the existing of the discipline of the tranquility with the most determined attitude.

According to the China Sports News, Gao Zhidan held the theme of "General Secretary Xi Jinping's gold medal, style gold medal, clean gold medal '" on the day of the party group of the General Administration of Sports of China "Exchange discussions said that we must adhere to the political direction and fully understand the necessity and importance of strengthening the work style construction of the sports industry.The construction of style in the field of sports, especially the Geek and Ductica, are related to the national image, national image, sports image, and the healthy development of Chinese sports.It is a key part that affects the construction of Chinese sports power.It is necessary to understand and grasp the problem of work style from political understanding, fully understand that work style construction is serious political issues, eternal historical issues, major practical issues, and continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution.The new journey promotes the political consciousness, consciousness, and actions of action to promote the construction of the style.

Gao Zhidan emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the problem -oriented and strengthen the targeted and effectiveness of the style of the sports industry.The style of style of the sports industry is highlighted in the frequent occurrence of corruption, the problem of the mathematical discipline, and the invisible mutation of the interests of interest.The reason for these problems is that individual associations and units weaken and blur in the party's leadership in the reform. They are highly concentrated in power and lack of supervision and restrictions. The political performance of emergency efforts distorts the spirit of sports, and the awareness of discipline and rules is weak.We must pay attention to and effectively solve these problems. It cannot make it a "stumbling block" that hinders the high -quality development of sports and build a sports power.

Gao Zhidan's request must adhere to the strict and true, and further promote the normalization and long -term work of the sports industry's style construction.At present, the situation of party style and clean government in the sports industry and the struggle for anti -corruption are severe and complicated, and eradication of corruption and unhealthy.It is necessary to curb the increase in sports corruption with the most decisive measures, and reduce the existing of the discipline problem with the most determined attitude.It is necessary to effectively strengthen theoretical armed forces, deepen the reform of the sports management system, adhere to the strict tone, strengthen the integrity and cultural construction of the sports industry, spread the positive energy of sports, and provide a strong concentration for the construction of sports power and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.mental strength.

The anti -corruption storm of Chinese sports has continued to burn.Following the investigation of the Chinese National Men's Football Team Li Tie in November last year, many officials and well -known people related to football were investigated, including Du Zhaocai, deputy director of the State General Administration of Sports and the secretary of the Party Committee of the Chinese Football Association, and chairman of the Chinese Football Association.Chen Yiyuan.

According to Xinhua News Agency on Friday (April 28), Li Yuyi, former vice chairman of the Chinese Football Association, and Ma Cheng, the former chairman of the Chinese Super League company, were investigated seriously that he was seriously violated.