World Bank President Malpas said that China ’The restructuring process is delayed, and the Chinese government needs to abandon unrealistic requirements.Not According to Bloomberg News on Wednesday (January 25), Malpas said in an interview with Bloomberg TV that "China has raised many problems in the creditor committee, resulting in delay in the process of debt restructuring." NotSPAN> He said: "For them, the important thing is to focus on realizing the reorganization of the actual debt so that Zambia's debt can be reduced." NotBank officials have negotiated. The two banks are China's largest loan agencies in poor countries.Not Minister of Finance of the United States SPAN> Golkiyeva, president of Yellen and International Monetary Fund, has visited Zambia to try to speed up reaching a debt reorganization agreement.Not Yellen Monday (January 23) Urges Zambia's debt countries to move rapidly, restructuring Zabia's debt, and accusing China of obstructing the process.Not Chinese Embassy in Zhanbibian 24 counterattack, > The biggest contribution that the United States can make is to deal with its own debt problems and stop destroying other sovereign countries to actively solve debt problems. .