China's official disclosure of the deputy chairman of the former People's Congress of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress Qin Lingrong, the deputy chairman of the former Internal Affairs and Justice Committee of the National People's Congress, and the former secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee Qin Guangrong.Qin Guangrong wrote in the manuscript that during the review, he found out news about activities, looking for "masters" to pray for the disaster, and even wrote to the central leadership, hoping to get the organization on the Internet.

According to the "Zhengzhi Jun" public account, the "Endriends New Era" theme achievement exhibition in Beijing appeared in Beijing.In this achievement exhibition, for the first time, Qin Lingrong's titles were "ashamed of the party, guilt and heart" manuscript manuscript.A total of 29 pages of confession, the writing on August 13, 2019.

In the confession, Qin Lingrong wrote in the first paragraph, "Since the review on April 6, after the help of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the comrades of the task force, I regretted it, sincerely regretted it, and asked the organization to the organization.I have explained my own violations of discipline and law. For 4 months, my heart is full of regrets, guilt, and self -blame. I want to confess to the organization and regret the crime as a party member who is reviewed by an organization. "

He wrote, "Recalling the time before the review, his son Qin Ling was severely violated and violated by the law.The fear is that his own problem is also exposed. "

He also said:" During this period, I found out the news about the so -called 'master' praying to disaster, and even luck to give the central leadership.The comrades wrote a letter, and the fantasy got the organization on the Internet. "" I spent more than 4 months with the wrong and distorted psychology.P> He also wrote, "My problem causes serious damage to the party's image and credibility. In the face of the mistakes, I must sincerely analyze myself and expose myself."

"Use my painful lessonsWarning others, especially other senior leading cadres, there are no places outside the party, people outside the law, and outside the law.Late. "

Qin Guangrong, 72, has worked in Hunan, Yunnan and other places, and served as the governor of Yunnan Province and secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.In October 2014, Qin Guangrong stepped down as the secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and went to work in the National People's Congress.

On April 6, 2019, Qin Guangrong took the initiative to go to the CPC National Commission for Discipline Inspection.On May 9 of the same year, the website of the State Commission of Discipline Inspection issued a news that Qin Guangrong was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and took the initiative to invest in the case. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Earlier reports said that shortly after Qin Ling's son Qin Ling involved in Lai Xiaomin's series of cases, Qin Guangrong was under pressure and took his wife Huang Yulan to actively invest in the case on the same day.He has also become the "first person at the ministerial level to take the initiative."When actively investing in the case, Qin Guangrong was 69 years old.

On January 19 last year, Qin Lingrong was sentenced to 7 years in prison for bribery.