Guo Yinzhang, the dean of the Hong Kong Civil Service College, who was the deputy director of the Police Department, believed that Hong Kong civil servants generally lack of understanding of national conditions.

According to Sing Tao Daily, Guo Yinzhang said in an interview with the old footprint of the radio program on Sunday (October 2) that he was the first dean of the Hong Kong Civil Service College.He said that Hong Kong civil servants generally lack of understanding of national conditions and their identity in national identity is not enough. This is the reality left over from history.

Guo Yinzhang analyzed that during the Yingzhi period, he deliberately hidden some modern history. During the governance, he did not want the citizen's identity to return to China. In addition, (the West) suppressed China's development, it polluted the mentality of many Hong Kong people.

Guo Yinzhen admits that the sense of identity is the feelings of the country. From the emotional level, it is difficult to overcome this.

However, Guo Yinzhang said that Hong Kong civil servants are very good, but just like each team and every industry, some people will work hard and excellent, and some people hold the mentality of "ride the windmill".Only satisfied with the same treatment, but do not want to pay the effort.He continued that the work of the Civil Service College was as much as possible after training as much as possible.

Guo Yinzhang also said that the description of the establishment of a civil servant college to rectify civil servants was not appropriate.He was the head of the basic training center of the Police Academy. He said that civil servants may not need discipline training like the police team, but they must have their due ideological ideas and mentality.In the future, he intends to go to Beijing, Shanghai and Singapore to learn about the operation of the local civil servants.