
Jingqiang Xinyun

The National Congress of the Communist Party of China once in five years is about to be held.

It is said that "can be up and down", but the focus is obviously "capable".The requirements of the provisions, in accordance with the actual classification policy, strictly implement the relevant systems and regulations of accountability, party discipline and government affairs, organizational processing, resignation, duty term, retirement, etc., and "unblock the channels under the cadres."

3000 words of documents, in detail which cadres who belong to "inappropriateness to the current job" are explained in detail.The provisions list 15 cases. Political ability is not hard, the ideal and beliefs shake, the spirit of responsibility and struggle is not strong, the existence of the concept of performance, the principle of violation of the CCP's democratic centralized system, the weak organizational concept, the insufficient sense of career and responsibility, the lack of leadership skillsIllegal decision -making or decision -making demonstrations are not sufficient and accidental, the style is not strict, and the quality is not the same.

In addition, there are conditions for spouses and children to move to the country (border), and spouses, children and their spouse business enterprises; and the annual assessment is determined to be inaccurate, or it is determined to be basic for two consecutive years, as well as democratic democracy and democracy for two consecutive years.If the excellent and appraisal and the voter rate of less than two -thirds are also listed as "unsuitable for the current job".

At the operational level, the document also regulates how to adjust the position of "inappropriate to act as the current job", and stipulates the process, including verification and identification, suggestions, organizational decisions, conversations, and submission procedures in accordance with relevant regulations;The processing methods include the adjustment of the job, the transfer of the civil servants, the dismissal, and the retirement of the job to retire in advance.Those cadres who do not accept the decision can also apply for review or filed a complaint.These operation processes are extremely similar to that of private enterprises to deal with personnel issues.


Regulations also make it clear that the main responsibility of promoting leading cadres "can go up and down" lies in the party committee, and the first responsible person is the party committee secretary; and when promoting the cadre "can be able to go up and down", "must not do well in humanism, must not be good, must not be good, no mustAvoid heavy and lightly, avoid organizational adjustments with party discipline and government affairs, or replace party discipline and government affairs with organizational adjustments.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, the Communist Party of China has launched a huge anti -corruption, and a large number of corruption officials have been taken out. It not only establishes the authority of the Discipline Inspection Commission, but also establishes a operable mechanism on anti -corruption.However, compared to cracking down on corruption, it has not made much progress on issues such as governing officials' lazy politics, and inaction. In addition to illegal law and discipline, few officials have been adjusted because they are "not suitable for current jobs."

China's officialdom has no tradition of accountability to lazy politics. Under high -pressure anti -corruption these years, the supervision pressure faced by officials is greater.Less and inaction.A few years ago, Chinese officials vividly described the madly official lazy officials with "full day"; Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang also rebuked that the corpse's vegetarian meal was corrupted, and lazy politics was also corrupt.

In order to cope with the old problem of "being able to go up and not", the China Office issued the provisions on the ability of leading cadres in 2015. In August this year, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau revised the previous documents. SeptemberReopen the new version of the outside world on the 8th.

This regulation explores the organizational mechanism of the mediocre and the inferiority, which is an important step in the CCP in terms of system reform.This also releases two signals: the Chinese Communist Party must create a cadre style that dares to take responsibility and act; in the future, more cadres will be transferred, accountable, or required to retire in advance for failing to meet the standards.However, how effective it is to be observed in governing lazy politics and unintentional as chaos.If you have not made mistakes, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, lack of leadership ability, lack of responsibility, and do not work, how to define it?In the Chinese officialdom that pays attention to human relationships, it is easy to break the inertia of "being able to go up and not" over the years, and it is easy to pull down the "Taiping official".Some netizens commented: "The rules are very good, don't turn into paper to talk about soldiers."

This document about the cadre "can go up and down" is mainly applicable to the central and foundation officials, but the document is published at less than one month before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Accelerate the association of blood replacement.

After the 19th National Congress of 2017, the official media Xinhua News Agency published a strong leadership collective entitled by the new era of Lights -the party's new leadership institution produced documentary long texts and disclosed the selection leaders of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Standards and processes of layers.In response to the problem of retention of the central leaders, the article emphasizes that the leadership positions of the Communist Party of China and the country are not "iron chairs" and "iron hat", and they may not continue to nominate them.Can go up and down.

The Politburo of the Communist Party of China has "seven, eight, and eight" (67 years old can still be left, and 68 years old withdrawn from the second line).Li Yuanchao, Liu Qizheng, and Zhang Chunxian of the bureau did not stay as the Politburo, and Li Yuanchao did not even enter the Central Committee.How will the blood change of the Chinese Communist Party reflect the "capable and down and down"? Will there be a high -dry retreat to the second line before the age? Will there be a more upper floor? The answer will be announced in the 20th National Congress.