The person in charge of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China said that the difficulty of promoting the ability to promote leading cadres is to solve the problem and the problem.Essence

According to the China News Agency on Tuesday (September 20), the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has recently issued a new revised promotion of leading cadres to be able to regulate.At the time of public release, the person in charge of the Central Organization Department stipulated questions such as revision and implementation, and answered questions from reporters.

The person in charge said that from the actual situation, the cadre team is too strong as a whole, and the chargeFormer and courageous responsibility, but there are also some phenomena that are not suitable for new tasks and new tasks in the new era. In particular, a few cadres are not responsible, inaction, and chaos.

The person in charge said that during the revision process, the following points were grasped: First, focus on outstanding issues.The difficulty of advancing leadership cadres can solve problems, mainly how to adjust those cadres who have certain problems but not serious disciplinary violations.This revision focuses on being an current cadre that is not suitable for adjustments, refinement and improvement of specific circumstances, adjustment procedures, and adjustment methods.The second is to increase advancement.In terms of applicable scope, the personnel who served as a leading position in state -owned enterprises and institutions are listed as a reference scope; in terms of specific circumstances, strict cadre management standards are strictly reflected.The third is to strengthen responsibility.The fourth is to focus on connection and coordination.

Talking about the main changes in this revision, the person in charge said that the revision of the six contents was added to integrate and delete seven, involving the channels, applicable scope, the main situation of the current job, analysis and judgment of the main situation, analysis and judgment of the current job, analysis and judgment, Verify the identification, adjustment procedures, adjustment methods, work responsibilities, etc., mainly include the following four aspects:

First, the channels of integration.Focusing on solving the problem of the ability to solve the problem, the previously stipulated to be exempt (retirement), the expiration of the term of office, the reasons for the expiration of the term, the reasons for health, the accountability, the party discipline and the government affairs, and other channels, highlighting the organization adjustment of the unsuitable to serve as the current cadre.If the existing party regulations and systems have clearly stipulated, the institutional interface is left without repeated regulations.

Secondly, fulfill the main situation of being unsuitable to hold the current job.Adhere to the strict requirements of cadres high standards, focus on the prominent problems encountered in strictly managing cadres in recent years, and from political performance, ideals and beliefs, struggle spirit, political performance, implementation of organizational discipline, responsibility, ability quality, work style, morality, morality, morality, morality, morality, morality, morality, moralityIn terms of character and other aspects, 15 specific situations that are not suitable for current work.

Third, optimize the verification identification and adjustment procedures.The regulations further clarify the organization and implementation of the relevant parties, especially the organization (personnel) departments, and the daily management responsibilities, and emphasize that the kung fu should be under normal understanding of cadres, regular analysis and judgment, inspection, inspection, audit, statistics, etc., Accurately identify that it is not suitable to serve as the current cadre.Adhering to objective and fairness, seeking truth from facts, optimizing the adjustment procedures, and clearing the verification of the identification link, you can talk to the cadres himself in order to listen to the instructions according to the needs. Before the organization decides, according to the dual management regulations of the cadres, the competent supervisor is required to solicit opinions in accordance with the prescribed procedures.

Fourth, increase the adjustment of adjustment.According to the newly revised Civil Service Law and other systems, the previously stipulated stipulation of "departing positions" and "re -responsible for non -leadership" has been modified, adding "advance retirement" adjustment arrangements, which clearly meets the predecessor of advance retirement conditions.Try to retire in advance.In order to solve the bottlenecks of the number of jobs, specifically regulations on the approval and digestive issues of over -jobs during the adjustment arrangement.