Cai Ruolian, director of the Hong Kong Education Bureau, said that it will launch a new teacher professional athlete rule at the end of this year and expect to be in a more professional and practical direction.Formulate.notAccording to the Hong Kong News Agency, Cai Ruolian publicly stated in a TV show on Sunday (August 28) that teachers' words have a great impact on students.At the same time, she believes that the performance of teachers is not limited to the classroom, outside the classroom, and even in social media.notIt is also said that starting from this school year, the newly hired position teachers in Hong Kong public schools have to pass the Basic Law test; and from the next school year, the Education Bureau will be aligned with the Civil Service Affairs Bureau to join the Hong Kong National Security Law in the test.In the future, consider extending to other schools.notAmong the world -renowned anti -repair struggles in 2019, many teachers and students in Hong Kong were involved. Many of them were arrested for suspected participation in violence activities, which caused the outside world to repeatedly review the quality and problems of Hong Kong's education.notIn this context, Cai Ruolian believes that education is not the best, only better, and emphasizes that it will strengthen students' history, cultural heritage and value education.News and other influences.notOn the one hand, the school is about to start, and the slow -moving crown disease epidemic in Hong Kong has gradually heated up.Cai Ruolian said that it has taken action on this situation, including notifying various schools. The new school year will be based on the half -day granting classroom and depending on the development of the epidemic, and then decide the arrangement of all -day and extracurricular activities.notIt is reported that Hong Kong's daily new cases have risen from more than 4,000 cases in the middle of this month to 8,457 on Saturday (27th), an increase of about doubled.