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On August 29, the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a notification on the corruption and "protective umbrella" of Chen Mouzhi and other suspected evil forces organizations.

The report mentioned that with the close cooperation of the public security organs, the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs of Hebei Province seriously investigated and dealt with the corruption and "protective umbrella" of Chen Mouzhi and other suspected evil organizations.

15 people were checked, and 8 people were kept

The report mentioned that the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection organized the coordination of Tangshan, Langfang, Hengshui and other places for disciplinary committees to investigate and investigate 15 relevant personnel.It was initially found out of discipline illegal and suspected abuse of power, private law, bribery, and bribery.

The 8 public officials are:

  • member of the party group of Lubei District Government, Tangshan CityDistrict Chief, Ma Aijun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau's Lubei Branch

  • Hu Bin, the director of the airport police station of Lubei Branch of Tangshan Public Security Bureau

  • Han Zhiyong, deputy station director of the Changhong Road Police Station

  • Chen Zhiwei, police police station police station

  • Fan Lifeng, former director of Guangmingli Police Station

  • Wang Hongwei, deputy director of Guangmingli Police Station

  • Wang Zhipeng, deputy director of the Qiaotun Police Station

  • The fourth-level sheriff of the traffic police detachment of the Tangshan Public Security Bureau

In the focus, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has initially discovered the problems of violations of discipline and law and suspected abuse of power, private law, bribery, and bribery.

The report also mentioned that the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs will be thoroughly investigated and dealt with seriously according to law.

Ma Aijun's last appearance was at the end of April

Several details are worthy of attention.

One of them, 5 of the 8 people mentioned above were checked in June this year.

On June 21, the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee issued the Director of the Lubei Branch of the Tangshan Public Security Bureau Ma Aijun and others for review and investigation., Chen Zhiwei and Fan Lifeng.

Ma Aijun, male, Han nationality, born in August 1966, native of Ledting, Hebei, academic degree in the Provincial Party School, joined the Communist Party of China in October 1991, and joined the work in September 1987.

Public information shows that Ma Aijun graduated from the public security major of the Tangshan People's Police School. After graduation, he became a member of the Public Security Bureau of Lesting County. Since then, he has served as the deputy director of the Guhe Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Lesting County and the director and director of the Tingliuhe Police Station.The instructor, the captain and instructor of the traffic police brigade, the deputy director and the captain of the traffic police brigade.

In July 2008, Ma Aijun followed the Political Committee of the Public Security Branch of Fengrun District, Tangshan City, and later served as the director of the Public Security Branch of Fengrun District, Tangshan City, and the leader of the traffic police detachment of the Tangshan Public Security Bureau.

In July 2018, Ma Aijun served as a member of the Party Committee of the Tangshan Public Security Bureau, the director of the Lubei Branch, a member of the party group and deputy head of the Lubei District Government., Member of the party group and deputy head of the Lubei District Government.

According to the official website of the North District Government, Ma Aijun's last appearance was on April 27.

On the morning of the same day, Lubei District held a joint joint meeting to combat the new type of illegal crimes in the network of telecommunications networks.Ma Aijun, the deputy district chief and director of the Public Security Bureau, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

In addition, Chen Zhiwei, a police officer at the airport road police station, was interviewed by the media before being investigated.

On June 12, 2022, the Voice of China of the Central Radio and Television Station released a police response to the barbecue restaurant: 5 minutes after receiving the police, and five suspects had a previous article.

Among them, Chen Zhiwei, police of the police station of the Lubei Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Tangshan City, introduced that two of the wounded women were severely injured and received treatment in a hospital in the area under the jurisdiction., Not hospitalized.

Police Chen Zhiwei said, "At 02:41 am on June 10th, our unit received the 110 Command Center to send police officers. After receiving the alarm, my unit rushed to the scene about 02:46.After the incident. After the incident, the men's men escaped the scene. "

But according to today's report from the Hebei Provincial Public Security Department, the police led the auxiliary police officer to the police station of the Lubei Branch Police Station of the Lubei Branch of the Tangshan Public Security Bureau to the scene to carry out the disposal at 3:09.

The first three people disclosed for the first time

Second, three of the 8 -person list announced this time were the first disclosure to the outside world, namely Wang Hongwei, deputy director of Guangmingli Police Station, Wang Zhipeng, deputy director of the Qiaotun Police Station, and the traffic police detachment of the Tangshan Public Security Bureau.Changan Di.

Among them, Wang Hongwei is the deputy of Fan Lifeng, the former director of Guangmingli Police Station.

On the morning of June 21 this year, the official Weibo of the Hebei Provincial Public Security Department issued a notification on the progress of cases such as Chen Mouzhi and other people suspected of provoking trouble and violent beatings.

At that time, Chen Mouzhi and others were mentioning illegal crimes involving illegal detention in the past.

On December 12, 2015, Chen Mouzhi instructed Liu, Gao, Hou Liang, and Wang Moukai to be illegally detained on the grounds of pursuing the debt of debt.Kay is a minor injury.

Nandu reporter search found that a beautiful account named "Lubei Patrol" was released on July 3, 2019, "110 things -Guangmingli police station arrested an online fugitive suspected of illegal detaining"Article.

"Lubei Patrol" mentioned above that Chen Mouzhi and others beat Shang Moukai in the courtyard and kept it in the trunk of the car for up to ten hours.

This article mentioned that then the director of Guangmingli Police Station Fan Lifeng set up a case -breaking team for the case at the time. At that time, the team leader was Wang Hongwei, the deputy director.

"Evil Forces Organization"

On August 29, Hebei Prosecutor notified Chen Mouzhi and other suspected evil forces to organize illegal criminal cases for review and prosecution.

The notice mentioned that on August 11, Chen Mouzhi and other suspected evil forces organized illegal crimes were investigated by the Guangyang Branch of the Guangyang Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Langfang City, Hebei Province, and transferred to the People's Procuratorate of Guangyang District of Langfang City for review and prosecution.

Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Guangyang District of Langfang City filed a public prosecution to the People's Court of Guangyang District, Langfang City.

The procuratorial organs are reviewed according to law:

  • At 2:40 on June 10, 2022, Chen Mouzhi, Ma Mouqi, Liu Mou 1, Chen Mouliang, Li Mou, Shen Moujun, Li Mourui and Liu Mou 2. Jiang Mouping (the two did not prosecute) when eating in a barbecue restaurant in Lubei District, Tangshan City, Chen Mouzhi was in the shopAfter harassing Wang Moumou, who dine with colleagues Li, Yuan, and Liu Moumou, after being rejected and reprimanded by Wang Moumou, Chen Mouzhi beaten Wang Moumou, Wang Moumou and Li resisted him.Later, Chen Mouzhi, Ma Mouqi, Liu Mou, Chen Mouliang, Li Mou 1. Shen Moujun in the barbecue shop, on the outside of the shop, and the Xiao Hutong next to the shop.Yuanmou, Liu Moumou hit a chair, bottle bottle or punch and kick.

  • After the incident, the 4 victims were sent to the hospital by 120 ambulances. Among them, Li and Yuan were checked by the hospital and did not need to stay in the hospital for treatment.Leaving; Wang Moumou and Liu Moumou were hospitalized in general ward and were discharged on July 1.

  • identified by forensic doctors, the victim Wang Moumou, LiuSomeone constituted a minor injury, and Li Mou and Yuanmou constituted a minor injury.

At the same time, the victims, questioning criminal suspects were asked by the public security organs, and on -site investigation and investigation and evidence obtained.Throwing and being crushed by the car are false information.

In -depth investigation by the public security organs according to law, the procuratorial organs have reviewed and verified that Since 2012, Chen Mouzhi has gathered together for a long time.Criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminals such as criminal activities, helping information network criminal activities, provocative troubles, and provocative injuries, deliberate injuries, deliberate injuries, etc., have been made.The evil forces of the collector.

The evil forces organizations are non -evil, oppress the people, destroy the local economic and social life order, and cause bad social impact.

The People's Procuratorate of Guangyang District, Langfang City, believes that the criminal facts of 28 defendants including Chen Mouzhi are clear, and the evidence is indeed and sufficient.Article 6 stipulates that Chen Mouzhi and others filed a public prosecution according to law.

Information | Xinhua News Agency People's Daily CCTV and others School pair | Xiang Zhan