On the occasion of the two weeks of Hong Kong's new governance team, in addition to the director's in place, most of the deputy director of the policy bureau is still being determined.The Hong Kong media quoted on Wednesday (July 13) that Zhuo Xiaoye, a senior police team, will be the deputy director of the Security Bureau.

Sing Tao Daily reported that Zhuo Xiaoye was the assistant director of the Hong Kong Police Force when he retired in February 2020. He was responsible for criminal investigation for a long time.Remember) High -level.

According to reports, Zhuo Xiaoye once led multiple police actions during the anti -repair struggle during the anti -repair struggle in 2019., And Deng Bingqiang, the police team, is directly responsible.At that time, Deng Bingqiang was the Director of the Hong Kong Police Division, and now he is the Security Director of Hong Kong.

The online media "Base's News" wrote on Tuesday (12th) that when Zhuo Xiaoye worked in the criminal investigation department, his boss was currently the chief executive Li Jiachao.

In addition, Sing Tao Daily said in the report that in addition to the Zhuo Xiaoye Association as the new deputy director of the Security Bureau, Liang Hongzheng, the son of Liang Junyan, chairman of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, will also serve as deputy to the Civil Affairs and Youth Affairs BureauDirector.

Liang Hong is the honorary chairman of the Hong Kong Elite Association and the chairman of the Economic Federation Youth Committee, focusing on the work of youth.He is also the vice chairman of the National Youth Federation and is responsible for many youth exchange activities between Hong Kong and the mainland.

Reporting pointed out that Liang Hong was considering the election during the election of the Hong Kong Legislative Council last year, but finally decided not to participate.