(Changchun Xinhua Power) Sun Lijun, former deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security, accepted the bribery, manipulated the securities market, and illegally held a gun. On Friday (July 8), he opened a trial in the first instance of the Changchun Intermediate Court of Changchun City, Jilin Province.

According to the control of the Changchun Procuratorate, Sun Lijun used to serve as deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau from 2001 to April 2020, the Chief of the Comprehensive Business Office of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal Government, and the deputy director of the General Office of the Ministry of Public SecurityThe convenience of the Director of the Domestic Security Bureau and the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, etc., helps relevant units and individuals in terms of corporate operations, job adjustments, case handling and other matters.Yu Yuan (S $ 135 million).

In addition, controlling the control also refers to Sun Lijun's entrustment at the others in 2018, and instructed the relevant personnel to continue to buy and sell and sell the stock transaction price and transaction volume through concentrated capital advantages. The plot is particularly serious.Sun Lijun also violated the regulations of the guns and illegally held two guns.The procuratorial organs requested that Sun Lijun's criminal responsibility for bribery, manipulating the securities market, and illegal holding of guns.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the procuratorial organs have shown relevant evidence that Sun Lijun and his defender have performed a qualitative certificate. The two parties of the prosecution fully expressed their opinions under the auspices of the court.The court finally announced the off -court and pronounced it.More than 20 people from all walks of life listened to the trial.