The former deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security Sun Lijun was charged with more than 646 million yuan in bribes in the first instance (the same, about S $ 135 million), and illegally owned two guns.

According to China CCTV News, the Changchun Intermediate People's Court of Jilin Province opened the trial of the first trial of the first trial of the first trial of the Ministry of Public Security, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security, and the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security.One case.

Changchun People's Procuratorate charged: From 2001 to April 2020, the defendant Sun Lijun used the deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau, the director of the Comprehensive Business Office of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, the Ministry of Public SecurityDeputy Director of the General Office, Director of the Domestic Security Bureau, member of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security, and Deputy Minister of Public Security, and the convenience conditions for the formation of authority and status formation, provided them with relevant units and individuals in terms of corporate operations, job adjustments, case handling and other matters.Help, directly or through others illegally accepting property, a total of more than 646 million yuan.

In 2018, Sun Lijun asked others to ask others to ask the relevant personnel to continue to buy and sell and sell them through concentrated capital advantages, which affected the price and transaction volume of stock transactions. The plot was particularly serious.Sun Lijun also violated the regulations of guns and illegally held two guns.The procuratorial organs requested that Sun Lijun's criminal responsibility for bribery, manipulating the securities market, and illegal holding of guns.

During the trial, the procuratorate showed relevant evidence. The defendant Sun Lijun and his defender conducted a qualitative certificate.Crime.

The court finally announced the off the court and pronounced the time.More than 20 people from all walks of life listened to the trial.

The State Supervision Commission of the Communist Party of China on the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reported in October last year that Sun Lijun, the former deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security, seriously violated discipline and was expelled from the party and public office.This rigorous report refers to that Sun Lijun's "political ambition is extremely inflated" and "guy controls the key department", which shows that he is likely to be sentenced to sentence.

The official handling notice issued that Sun Lijun has never really established ideals and beliefs, political ambitions are extremely inflated, political quality is extremely bad, the concept of power and political performance are extremely distorted.The rumor, Yang Fengyin violated, deceived and hid, and harvested political capital.

Notification also refers to Sun Lijun's big group of groups in the party, and rarely appeared "the gang's active control department", "the front line of the anti -new crown pneumonia is good at leaving the duties, and privately put a lot of secrets involving secrets and secrets.Materials "and" use public security investigation methods to fight organizational review "and other expressions.According to public reports, Sun Lijun was one of the members of the central government's guidance group during the epidemic.

The notice also mentioned that Sun Lijun sells officials, inserted relatives, and layout of personnel, and severely damages the political ecology of the public security political and legal system.

The 52 -year -old Sun Lijun fell off in April 2020.He graduated from Public Health and Urban Management in New South Wales State University in New South Wales, Australia.When Sun Lijun was the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security in 2018, he was the youngest deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security at that time.