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On May 27, according to the official WeChat public account of Beijing Normal University, Recently, the Central Committee approved: Comrade Ma Jun served as the president (deputy minister) of Beijing Normal University and deputy secretary of the party committee; due to age, Dong QiComrades are no longer the president of Beijing Normal University and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee. On the morning of May 27, Beijing Normal University held a meeting of teachers and cadres.Comrade Li Xiaoxin, deputy minister of the Central Organization Department and director of the Central Editorial Office, announced the decision of the central government to decide and speak. Comrade Sun Yao, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, and Comrade Sun Meijun, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.Comrade Cheng Jianping, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Normal University chaired the meeting.

The responsible comrades of the relevant departments of the Central Organization Department, the Ministry of Education, and the Beijing Municipal Party Committee; members of the leadership team of Beijing Normal University, members of the party committee of the school, and representatives of members of the disciplinary committee, attended the meeting at the middle -level official positions, representatives of the teaching congresses, and representatives of student representatives in the teaching area.

The official resume shows that Ma Jun was born in April 1969. Graduated from Wuhan University in 1990 and obtained a bachelor's degree in law; graduated from Renmin University of China in 1995 and obtained a master's degree in law.From 1995 to 1998, he taught at the Department of Political and Administrative and Administration of Sun Yat-sen University. Starting in 2002, he taught at the School of Political and Public Affairs Management of Sun Yat-sen University, and successively served as associate professors and professors.In 2014, he won the Outstanding Contribution Award of Fudan Management. It mainly studies public budget and fiscal management, public management, national construction, financial history, and administrative history.

(Source: official WeChat public account of Beijing Normal University)

He has been serving as Sun Yat -sen University for a long time.

Dong Qi, the president of Beijing Normal University and deputy secretary of the party committee, was born in September 1961.He has long worked at Beijing Normal University for a long time. In July 2012, he served as the president of Beijing Normal University. In April 2017, he was also the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Beijing Normal University at the same time.

The official website introduces that ? Beijing Normal University is a key university directly under the Ministry of Education. It is a well -known university with basic disciplines of teachers' education, education sciences, and basic disciplines. The school's predecessor was the Beijing Normal University Teachers Museum founded in 1902. In 1908, it was renamed the Beijing Normal University Excellent Normal School.In 1923, the school was renamed Beijing Normal University and became the first normal university in Chinese history.In 1931 and 1952, Peiping Women's Normal University and Fu Jen University successively merged with Beijing Normal University.

After more than 100 years of development, the school adheres to the fine tradition of "patriotism, integrity, innovation, and teacher watch" and the spirit of "learning as a teacher, behavior of behavior,"The concept of educating people.During the "Seventh Five -Year Plan" and "Eighth Five -Year Plan" period, Beijing Normal University was identified as one of the first ten universities in the country.During the "Ninth Five -Year Plan" period, it was included in the "211 Project" construction plan.On the occasion of the centennial school in 2002, the Ministry of Education and Beijing decided to focus on the construction of Beijing Normal University, and the Ninth Party Congress of Beijing ranked among the world -class universities that support construction.During the "15th Five -Year Plan" period, the school entered the national "985 Project" construction plan. In 2017, the school entered the national "World -class university" construction A list, and 11 disciplines entered the national "world -class discipline" construction list.