Source: Shen Shen News

Text/Loose Lv Solid

Since Evergrande's mine, Xu Jiayin has been low -key, and a few public appearances have come out to fight chicken blood.What's more interesting is that almost every time Boss Xu speaks, he is accustomed to playing the meeting date in the red banner behind him. He is very eye -catching, for fear that the outside world thinks he will disappear.

Although Xu Jiayin did not hide, his brother Xu Jiaqin was wanted by the entire network.The person in charge of a subcontractor said that it has been unable to contact Guangzhou Yaxu (owned by Xu Jiaqin) and Xu Jiaqin for more than a year.

In fact, Xu Jiaqin also followed Xu Jiayin to repay his debt.At the end of 2021, a small villa price of Xu Jiaqin was sold at 33 million, and it has not yet been sold.At the beginning of this year, the market price of Guangzhou Jinbiwa Mansion, which he sold to the outside world, has a market price of 110 million yuan, which was sold in April, and the final transaction price was 70 million yuan.

Xu Jiaqin was just a microcosm of real estate fire, and it was a microcosm of blood relatives.Morning waves of real estate companies have brought shock waves and are not imagined.In addition to the accumulated debtors, there are countless investors' money or greatly reduced money, it is also the closest person around the real estate owner.

Their family members often have continuous agreements with housing companies to play the role of a general bag or main supplier.For example, Guangzhou Yaxu under Xu Jiaqin is one of the main contractors of Evergrande's real estate business; Guangxi Road Port, a Big Brother of Xinli Zhangyuan, as an important supplier of Xinli.Continuous projects.

In the era of real estate lying, the scale of real estate companies expanded rapidly, and these batch of blood relatives' companies were quickly fertilized.However, once the mines in the housing company, they lost the blessing of the cash cow, and then they were discussed by many sub -contractors to ask for engineering funds.Due to their low anti -risk capabilities, these companies will eventually fall into a state of debt quagmire and judicial cases.

Unknown whereabouts

Different from the boss Xu, who likes the downturn, the three -year -old Xu Jiaqin is low -key and hidden, rarely appears in public scenes, and never accepts media interviews.

The scenes of the two in the same frame go back to the winter of 2018.At that time, Xu Jiayin, who was just 60 years old, returned to his hometown. He was so beautiful. He brought his father Xu Xiangao, his wife Ding Yumei, and Brother Xu Jiaqin, and returned to his hometown in Zhoukou, Henan to visit his father's fellow.

Xu Jiayin sent 3,000 red envelopes to more than 1,000 villagers in the village, and sent a total of more than 3 million.At that time, it was difficult for the villagers to imagine that four or fifty years ago, Xu Jiayin in his family and Xu Jiaqin, together with Xu Jiaqin, carried jars in Jiuti Gang Village, Putai County, Henan Province, and sold vinegar to the family.The bran, but the two brothers became rich in a blink of an eye.

Thirty years of Hedong, 30 years in Hexi.In the second half of last year, Evergrande's mines, the Xu Jiayin family inevitably involved in Evergrande's two trillion debt vortex.Following Xu Jiayin's selling plane and selling luxury homes to help Evergrande's self -rescue, Xu Jiaqin finally put the two mansion villas under his name on the shelves.

Guangzhou Yaxu Decoration Design Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Guangzhou Yaxu) under Xu Jiaqin was considered one of the main contractors of Evergrande real estate business by the outside world.Decoration and decoration engineering.

According to Leju Finance, Guangzhou Yaxu was established in 2002 with a registered capital of 100 million yuan, and Xu Jiaqin and Xu Huojian held 80%and 20%respectively.

Among them, Xu Jiaqin also holds a 20%stake in Henan Yinqin and serves as the supervisor of Henan Lanji Ya, and the official website of these two companies shows that it and Evergrande Group are partnerships; and Xu Huojian is the nephew of Xu Jiayin.Director of Evergrande Industrial.

However, since Evergrande has been trapped in debt quagmires, it has also been involved in Xu Jiaqin and Xu Huojian, and the latter has issued a restricted consumption order by the court.

Not only is it involved in individuals, Guangzhou Yaxu is also in the deep water.Data show that since November last year, Guangzhou Yaxu has been listed as the executed person 10 times, three times as a dishonesty, and two restrictions on high consumption.

In the related judicial cases, a variety of cases such as disputes in labor contract disputes, disputes in the pursuit of bills, disputes between buying and selling contracts, and decoration contract disputes were entangled in the case, as many as 270.

For example, Dongying's Xinwei Machinery Equipment requested the court to order Guangzhou Yaxu, and two other companies to pay e -commerce acceptance bills for the principal of 1.1554 million yuan and overdue payment interest.In the end, most of the demands of Xinwei Machinery Equipment were supported by the court.

For another example, Xi'an Zijin Building Decoration Project applied to the court, ordered Jining Yaxu Decoration to fulfill its business acceptance bill acceptance obligations, pay the exchange bill of 1.486 million yuan and interest. At the same timeThe third part of the lawsuit was Xi'an Yuansheng Industry, with 82.55%of Evergrande Real Estate Group.

It is worth noting that many suppliers and partners at the moment have won the lawsuit, but the court has been delivered to Xu Jiaqin and Guangzhou Yaxu to the property preservation notice, but it has not been delivered.

Fats and water do not flow outsiders field

Different from Xu Jiayin, he appeared in public that he had not run away, and Zhang Yuanlin, the boss of Xinli disappeared for 8 months.Not long ago, Suzhou Xinlin's 2 billion yuan equity held by Xinli Real Estate was frozen.

As a dark horse in Jiangxi real estate companies, Xinli was founded from 2010 to 100 billion yuan. It only made it in just ten years.As the head of Zhang Garden, he became the owner of the 100 billion listed real estate company at the age of 43.

As everyone knows, behind the 100 billion journey, there are also two foreign aids from Zhang Yuanlin and the third brother.

According to Leju Finance, the elder brother Zhang Guoyin is the former chairman of Jiangxi Fifth Construction Group Co., Ltd., and the third brother Zhang Guojin is the former major shareholder of Guangxi Road Port Construction Group Co., Ltd.Before the establishment of Xinli, Zhang Yuanlin had worked under his elder brother for several years and rose to the general manager.

According to the data of Xinli in 2020, at that time, Zhang Guoyin held about 80.4%of Jiangxi Wujian shares, and Zhang Guojin held 97.7%of Guangxi Road Port. Therefore, the exchanges between the two companies and Xinli constituted a connected transaction.

The three brothers of the Zhang family who started the building have since successfully went to Hong Kong to go public with Xinli. The second garden and its new force were pushed to the front, and the company's company's company has long been the supplier and general package of Xinli.

Data show that in 2020, Jiangxi Wujian provided a service value of 502.4 billion yuan.Interestingly, the amount of this year was still 502.4 million yuan a year.What is the same is that in the two years of 2019 and 2020, Guangxi Road Port provided Xinli with a service value of 638.8 million yuan.

The outside world commented that the division of labor of the three brothers of the Zhang family: the boss Zhang Guoyin at the helm of the base camp; the second child Zhang Garden capital danced to send a project to the brothers; the third old Guojin was responsible for Guangxi Road Port.

Although it is fat and water, the outsiders are not flowing, but the most likely to be the most likely to have mines in housing companies.For example, Zhang Yuan's new power brings a steady stream of nightmare to his brother company.

In order to impact hundreds of billions, Xinli adopted a development model of 120 days of development and reaching the pre -sale standard in 180 days.Gao Zhou turned down and hidden a huge risk. Once you encounter an unexpected, the capital chain will collapse.Until last year, the new force encountered the Mid -Autumn Festival, and the minesweeper opened.

As a supplier, Zhang Guoyin and the third brother Zhang Guojin were also affected.In April of last year before the building, the shareholders of the five Jiangxi five -built shareholders suddenly changed, Zhang Guoyin withdrew twice, and 80.3571%of the company held by the new shareholder Zhang Lianghong was taken over by the new shareholder.

After the change, Jiangxi Five Constructions held 80.3571%and 19.6429%of Zhang Lianghong and Zhou Hua, respectively.

It is worth noting that in November last year, the legal representative of Xinli Technology Group changed from Zhang Yuanlin to Zhang Liangjian.Both names contain the word Zhang Liang.Can't help but guess, Zhang Lianghong and ZhangThe sword is very associated.

Although Zhang Guoyin withdrew from Jiangxi Five Construction, there were 3 subsidiaries in his name, namely the China -Singapore Architecture Network Media (70%), Jiangxi Aston Lubrication Co., Ltd. (50%), and Nanchang Shunxin FoodLimited (51%).At present, he has two records that are restricted to high consumption.

On the other side, since February last year, Jiangxi was listed 15 times by the court as the executive.Among them, in 2022, as many as 13 pieces of information were executed.At the same time, the company has as many as 23 pieces of information as a person who has been dishonest, limited to 52 high consumption.

More seriously, in the short year from February last year to February of this year, Jiangxi Five Construction, which was entangled in various judicial cases, was successively built by Fang Mou, Jiangxi Construction Workers Second Building, and Suzhou Dingfeng Steel Model Rental Station., Foshan Xiaobao Banye and Zou Moumou applied for bankruptcy and reorganization.

For example, a referee document at the end of January showed that due to the dispute between the sales contract, the Longze environmental protection building materials in Huadu, Hunan will build the Jiangxi Five Correction to the court.

Longze, Hunan Huadu, said that in June 2019, Jiangxi Wujian signed a pre -mixed concrete supply and demand contract for Changsha City, due to the need to undertake the construction of the second phase of Changsha Qiancheng Jiayuan's second phase project and supporting project.As of the day of the prosecution, Jiangxi Wujian still owed more than 10.46 million yuan.

In the end, the court ruled that Jiangxi Wujian pay the end payment to Hunan Huadu Longze and bear the corresponding liquidated damages.On the other hand, due to the prosecution of Longze, Hunan, Hunan, at the end of February, the Five Construction of Jiangxi was listed as the executing person and performed a target of 10.66297 million yuan.

According to Leju Finance, the Five Construction of Jiangxi was inherited the second phase of Jiayuan, Changsha Qiancheng, and the project belonged to the new force.In August last year, some owners found that the Xinlibin Garden they bought became the second phase of the Gancheng Jiayuan Phase II.

Real Estate consultant said that Qiancheng Jiayuan is the record name of the community, and Xinlibin Garden is the promotion name, and the two are really a community.

The development of developers was also questioned by the owner's false propaganda and triggered rights protection.Relevant departments also conducted investigations on the developer Changsha Xiaoli Housing Land Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (Xinli's company).As of mid -March of this year, the owner reported that after half a year after the suspension of the work of Xinlibin Park, he had not resumed work, and he was worried that the real estate was rotten.

Right now, Jiangxi Five Construction, which has a deep muddy water, is still unclear in the future.

At the same time, the third brother Zhang Guojin also withdrawn from the shareholders sequence of Guangxi Road Port at the end of last year after Xinli Thunder.At present, the company holds 97.6455%and 2.3545%of Zhang La Bao and Chen Renrui.

Like Jiangxi's five constructions, Guangxi Road Port is also entangled with many judicial cases. The referee documents are as high as 73 and listed as the executing person 4 times.

In March, the Guangzhou Ronghe Real Estate Construction Project Zengcheng Xinlicheng Residential Project undertaken by Guangxi Road Port did not store a deposit or provides financial institution guarantee in accordance with regulations. It was punished by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Zengcheng District of Guangzhou.

Blood -ups

When the real estate owner impacts the goal of tens of billions, 100 billion or even hundreds of billions of billions, as the scale of housing enterprises has expanded rapidly, it has also puzzled a series of family members.

Because of the special relationship, family member companies are often used as suppliers of housing companies.While expanding housing companies, it is continuously transporting projects to this special supplier.

As the saying goes, the back is good for the big trees, but it is also easy to get the grass.As a single client relying on a single customer, once this big tree encounters, the supplier as a blood relative will also face devastating blows.

Right now, the shock wave of mines in real estate companies not only affects upstream and downstream relatives, but also directly affects blood relatives.

In the Chaoshan Real Estate Circle, the story of the honor is glory, and it is all damaged.In April, Yao Zhenhua promised to pay a default of financial management; in mid -May, Yao Jianhui suddenly sold Baoxin Financial's stock debt.

Yao Jianhui did not disclose the specific items for debt repayment, and naturally caused a lot of speculation. Some of them questioned whether it was related to Baoneng crisis.It can be seen that even for two years, Yao Zhenhua and Yao Jianhui are still intimate to outsiders.

For another example, in mid -March, Huang Qisen was taken away to assist the relevant authorities for investigation and disappeared in the real estate circle for several months.Recently, the management of the current Taihe Group was chaired by Huang Min.For Huang Qisen, Huang Min is not an outsider, but his own sister.

As of now, Huang Min has three subsidiaries, namely Taihe Investment (5%of the shares), Fujian Sangang Real Estate (50%of the shares), and ST Taihe (1.45%of the shares).

Last August, Taihe said that some of the company's shares held by the controlling shareholder Taihe Investment and Huang Min were recently enforced by judicially, which led to a total passive reduction of the company's shares of 30.3894 million shares, accounting for 1.22%of the company's total share capital.This year, Huang Min will also face the appeal of the national trust, which is a dispute over the financial borrowing contract.

In addition, Sunac is also facing a short -term liquidity crisis.Not only did Sun Hongbin lead the team to travel to various financial institutions, they successively sold the assets of about 25.72 billion yuan in their hands, but also paid 2.9 billion yuan in cash flow to the company.Even his brother Sun Hongbing was selling the house.In March, the market reported that the high -rise platform households on the western half of Hong Kong were sold for approximately HK $ 138 million.

Along with the corporate thunderstorm, family members who are favorable are also baked on the fire.Where is their way?Only in the future can we avoid the negative impact caused by thunderstorms?

On the one hand, all such enterprises cannot want to take the initiative to participate in market competition on that big tree, get out of the greenhouse, obtain more customers, and avoid the impact of minesurus; on the other hand, establish a sound risk control system,Once risks are recognized, measures need to be taken immediately.