The official in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province reported today (5th) that a baby in Suining County was sent to the hospital to rescue the invalidal death due to stuck, and he was dealt with seriously to the relevant person involved in the case.

According to the report of "Xuzhou Release", on the night of April 29th, Shi Mouyuan, a child in Suining County, was sent to the People's Hospital of Suining County due to foreign bodies in the trachea.To the treatment of Xuzhou New Health Hospital, the rescue of the morning after the morning of April 30 was invalid.

The report stated that the Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government and Suining County Party Committee and County Government of the Communist Party of China were deeply distressed about the matter.The joint investigation team conducted in -depth investigations on the diagnosis and treatment of children.

After investigation, the People's Hospital of Suining County was diagnosed at 8:10 pm on April 29th.The child was mistakenly swallowed, and the family pulled out half a shell of the south melon seeds from his mouth.After the doctor asked the medical history, the lung auscultation, etc., it was initially judged as a foreign body in the trachea, and the children were given first aid measures such as oxygen absorbing oxygen and continuous monitoring pulse oxygen.

Suining County People's Hospital considers that his ability to treat his own insufficient treatment was not enough. At 9 pm on the 29th, he issued a transfer referral form to inform the children of the children to refer it as soon as possible.Because the parents were not at the scene, the aunt and grandmother failed to do it.At 9:45, the parents of the child arrived at the hospital.At 10 o'clock, the doctor took the doctor to dispose of other cases after explaining the condition with the father's father.At 1:23, he called the child's father to ask the condition and urged the transfer to the hospital.

Suining County People's Hospital's Medical Affairs Department contacted the children's transfer to the children to transfer to the hospital at 10:02 on the 29th.At 1:08 am on the 30th, the mother's mother dialed 120. At 1:22, the 120 ambulance at the Suining County First Aid Medical Station rushed to the County People's Hospital and arrived at the rescue room of Xuzhou New Health Hospital at 2:30.When the doctors of the class are performed, the venous passage is opened, oxygen -absorbing, ECG monitoring disposal, and auxiliary examinations such as CT and blood routine.At 3:47, the child suddenly occurred in respiratory suspension. The hospital immediately implemented rescue measures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and organized experts to consult. At 4:56, the child died of ineffective rescue.

The survey shows that after the consultation of Suining County People's Hospital, an emergency treatment was performed in the case of no nucleic acid test results, and the transfer order was issued in time; during the period, on April 29thAt 8:22 pm, nucleic acid samples were made for the children and her grandmother. During the consultation, reception, and referral, neither Suining County People's Hospital and Xuzhou New Health Hospital were required to provide the results of nucleic acid testing.

The survey found that the first diagnosis and treatment of Shi Mouyuan, the People's Hospital of Suining County, did not strictly implement the first consultation system, and did not take relevant examinations in time to further clearly diagnose.The child's condition and the possible serious consequences are not inform; during the referral process, the detailed condition of the child was fully inform the child in a timely manner.

According to the results of the investigation, according to the party's discipline, government and discipline, and related laws and regulations, the units and relevant responsible persons are seriously handled:

1.Give a warning to suspend the practicing activities against the doctor's doctor, and make further investigations.Instructed Suining County People's Hospital to carry out internal rectification in an all -round way.

2. Suining County Party Committee given to the party secretary of the county Health and Health Committee Wang Yanlong to warn the punishment in the party to avoid the post of the party committee secretary and dean of the Suining County People's Hospital.

3. According to the relevant provisions of medical institutions, the higher authorities are reported to the higher -level department to relegate the Suining County People's Hospital.

In response to this incident, Xuzhou and Suining County will learn from the lessons, carefully summarize and reflect, and resolutely avoid similar situations.

Since the outbreak of China's epidemic, the results of nucleic acid testing have become an important proof of many public places in and out of public places, including going to the hospital for medical treatment.There have been many places such as Shanghai and other places due to delaying treatment.

The National Health and Health Commission of China has requested that medical institutions must strictly implement the first consultation system and urgent and severe rescue system.Reasons for delay treatment.