On the evening of May 4th, Kong Suying, the ex -wife of Rong Lanxiang, the principal of Shandong Lanxiang Technical School, reported on multiple short videos and social platforms that Rong Lanxiang was suspected of hiding firearms, rape, and organizing evil forces.Xiang's false lawsuit also led to more than 300 residents homeless.Kong Suying said in the report that he had mastered sufficient evidence.If the content is not a fact, she is willing to bear legal consequences.

In 2014, the divorce dispute of the Rong Lanxiang couple evolved into a hundred provincial fights. The fighting of the teachers and students of Lan Xiang and Kong Suying's family shocked the entire network.The contradiction between the two sides continued to ferment, and Rong Lanxiang sent Kong Suying and her daughter to prison.In April this year, Rong Lanxiang's daughter Rong Ting posted a report video on the social platform, saying that Kong Suying illegally transferred the property.

Lan Xiang's founder's family is now intensifying.

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After a hundred people's fights shocked the entire network: President Lan Xiang sent his wife and daughter to prison

The contradiction between Rong Lanxiang and Kong Suying went to the stage in front of the stage in 2014.

At the end of 2013, the divorce lawsuit between Rong Lanxiang and Kong Suying started. Tianlun Garden, located in Shangqiu City, Henan Province, was one of the controversial property.Due to the fear of Rong Lanxiang's transfer of property, Kong Lingrong, the 72 -year -old father, was held in the duty room of the Tianlun Garden for more than a month; Rong Lanxiang commissioned Wang Ji, Director of the Employment Office of the Shandong Lanxiang Senior Technical School, to watch the Tianlun Garden.break out.

On September 5, 2014, Wang Ji Middle School brought more than 90 faculty and students to Tianlun Garden, with the purpose of temporarily taking over the relevant real estate from the Kong family.After rushing to Shangqiu from Jinan, Shandong, they had a fight with dozens of people such as Kong Suying's family. The two sides threw brick stones, sticks, iron crickets, mineral water bottles, etc., causing several people to hurt.

This cross -provincial fighting, which has participated in more than a hundred people, has caused great adverse effects.In the first instance of the court, eight defendants were convicted of fighting together.There are four leaders and employees of Lanxiang Technical School, and the remaining four defendants are Kong Suying's sister and cousin.But contradictions are not over.The divorce dispute between Rong Lanxiang and Kong Suying continued to ferment, and the controversy continued to this day.

Kong Suying later publicly reported that Rong Lanxiang had a superb birth, three ID cards (Beijing, Jinan, Shangqiu), and had extramarital children and family violence.According to Kong Suying's reporter to the Chongqing Youth Daily: Once, my mother came back to live. In less than three months, he brought Primary Three to home, and lived hellip; hellip like husband and wife; they were together for 6 years, in our houseZhengda Guangming lived for 4 and a half years.A lot of affair like this.Shortly after being reported, Rong Lanxiang announced his resignation as a representative of the National People's Congress.

Due to the property dispute in the divorce case, Rong Lanxiang reported Confucius to the court after applying for property preservation.Kong Suying's crime of illegal disposal of the property was controlled, and it was finally sentenced to 2 years and 3 months in prison.During Kong Suying's detaing, 274 owners of the Shangqiu Tianlun Garden Community were forcibly executed and moved away.Three daughters born of two people who were sentenced at the same time as Kong Suying in 2018, including the report of Kong Suying's Rong Ting later.

The court judgment shows that because Shandong Lanxiang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. did not fulfill its obligations in accordance with Shandong Radio and Television and Beijing Yinghao Advertising Art Co., Ltd. in accordance with the effectiveness of effective legal documents in accordance with the effective legal documents, the right holder applied to the court.The day made a ruling to conduct an overall auction of Tianlun Garden Community according to law.At the same time, the court ordered all real estate owners of the community to move out of the house (including garages, parking spaces, storage rooms) and exit land before March 16, 2019.

On April 20, 2020, Kong Suying was released.As soon as she walked out of the prison door, she was taken away by the Jinan police, and became a suspect for the same charges.Her relatives later told the media that Kong Suying was once sentenced to 9 months in prison, and just ended his sentence before the Spring Festival this year.

On April 27 this year, Rong Lanxiang's daughter Rong Ting posted a report video on the online social platform, saying that her mother Kong Suying once faced the media and said she was in difficulty in her life.Sympathy and fabrication, what is said is not true.As early as 2014, Kong Suying had illegally sold the real estate of Tianlun Garden Community, which had been seized by the court. The three sisters such as Rong Ting were now reluctant to get involved in the dispute, so they reported their mother and others in real name.

In a video of more than 13 minutes, Rong Ting held his ID card and wore a mask about the illegal disposal of real estate in Shangqiu Tianlun Garden Community in 2014. He said that his mother held a US green card and a villa in Seattle in the United States.The purpose of real estate in the community is to transfer the selling house to foreign countries.

In an interview with the media on April 28, Kong Suying said that Rong Ting had participated in the signatures and houses of the Tianlun Garden Real Estate contract, and it was not that they were coerced by relatives. Can this be forced?How can her daughter force her?Kong Suying also said that the green card was indeed found. At that time, it was run by Rong Lanxiang. He took the money to do it. The villa also bought it with money. He has never been to the United States since 2014.It mainly relies on relatives and friends.

Lanxiang Technical School is not an education institution. In the early years, students complained about various issues.

According to official website information, the Shandong Lanxiang Technical College was founded in 1984. It is a modern and comprehensive private professional technician college approved by the Human Resources and Social Security Department.The college currently has a variety of majors such as automotive testing and maintenance, cooking and nutrition, CNC machine tool processing, welding technology, beauty hairdressing, computer application and maintenance, construction machinery operation and maintenance, rail transit, etc., with more than 60 subordinates.

However, from the perspective of its own nature, the basic legal nature of Lanxiang Technical School is a senior vocational training institution, not a academic education institution.The education and teaching content it implements is mainly to improve the job skills of workers, rather than complete higher education.In December 2021, the Jinan Municipal Government issued the development plan for the 14th Five -Year Educational Division of Jinan City (referred to as planned).The plan stated that the Shandong Lanxiang Technician College was included in the sequence of higher vocational schools according to procedures.This also means that Lan Xiang is currently not a higher vocational school.

Data show that the number of students at Lanxiang Technical School reached 30,000 in 2002.Based on this calculation, the Lanxiang Technical School at that time had become the largest institution in the country.Around 2006, Lanxiang Technical School hired Tang Guoqiang as an advertising spokesperson, and then became popular, attracting many students from rural areas and other places.However, the dispute over the school itself has never stopped.

Among the many people, there is a word circulating: whether it is the Northeastern Tiger or the Northwest Wolf, it is a sheep in Lan Xiang.

According to China News Network in 2014, Lan Xiang's graduates said that the cost of learning in Lan Xiang is usually about 50%higher than other private technical schools, and there will be many unexpected fees, such as transfer graduation fees.And these additional costs are often linked to the teacher's income. This is a public secret. Therefore, when the teacher persuades you to pay these fees, students are often difficult to stop.

Taking the transfer as an example, if the student learns one major, you can enjoy half a cheaper tuition if you transfer to another major. This will prompt many students to transfer many new majors here, and teachers can commission it.

It is understood that although Lan Xiang's propaganda is 100 % guaranteed employment, if you do not obey school allocation, you must pay a employment fee.Some students complain that Lan Xiang often distributes students in different places, obviously can work in his hometownMay be deliberately assigned you elsewhere, if you don't go, you will pay the school.They believe that the distribution of different places is actually a means of charging Lan Xiang to graduates.However, these accusations of graduates have not been officially confirmed by Lan Xiang.

President Lan Xiang Rong Lanxiang once stated that those majors with poor employment and high salary must be cut off.But some people do not believe it.In some QQ groups, many graduates' biggest complaint about Lan Xiang lies in the distribution work.It is said to be 100 % packet. How can I only do the job that is only 1,000 yuan a month?Some netizens complained that the school would find a job casually, even if it resolved employment.