The Chongqing CPPCC Meeting opened yesterday morning (16th), and Hong Kong media reported that the chairman of the Chongqing CPPCC Wang Jiong was suspected of fainting on the podium due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems at the opening meeting.

The Sing Tao Daily Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily quoted sources that at 9 am yesterday, the fifth meeting of the Fifth Committee of the CPPCC Chongqing City opened in the auditorium of the Chongqing People's Congress.It is estimated that the problem of cardiovascular and cerebrovascularness. "The staff around him and the staff of the photography camera responded slowly. From the endless speech to the at least five to eight seconds, no one went up to support him."

Sing Tao Daily inquired with several members of the Chongqing CPPCC who participated in the meeting through videos in Hong Kong.However, Chongqing Satellite TV live video shows that many high -level seniors of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee sat on the podium, and the speaking speed of the work reporter was slow (I couldn't see me). Later, it was unclear.Stand up and look at the podium, the video is interrupted.

It is reported that Wang Jiong was sent to the hospital for rescue, and Song Airong, vice chairman of the Chongqing CPPCC, continued to make a work report.

The Hong Kong Ming Pao also reported that the live broadcast screen showed that the senior management of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee listened to the report on the podium. Wang Jiong reads "actual actions, interpreting the responsibility and responsibility for the public, the responsibility of the people,When the feeling was ", the voice suddenly felt unstable. Many people suddenly looked at the same direction in the same direction.The report quoted the source that Wang Jiong suddenly fell when he read the report on the podium, and then was sent to the hospital.

Wang Jiong is 58 years old. He is from Henan. He has long worked at Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Company for a long time.Minister, member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, Minister of the Organization Department, and Deputy Secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee.In 2018, he served as the chairman of the Chongqing CPPCC and was also a member of the 19th Central Committee.

If the news is true, this will be fainted at the two venues after last year, Bo Xiaolin, chairman of the Inner Mongolia government, fainted with the government work report.

In January last year, the then chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government Bu Xiaolin suddenly fainted when he made a government work report in the Inner Mongolia Conference.Wang Lixia is the secretary of the party group of the Inner Mongolia government, and Bu Xiaolin is re -elected as the deputy chairman of the National People's Congress Environment and Resources Protection Committee.