Anti -corruption feature film aired yesterday (16) zero tolerance.Wang Fuyu, the former chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference, who appeared in the second episode of the second episode, was sentenced to death today.

According to China CCTV News, the Tianjin First Intermediate People's Court sentenced to death. The defendant Wang Fudu was sentenced to death for two years.He was sentenced to eight years in prison for bribery, and fined 1 million yuan (S $ 210,000). He decided to execute the death penalty, executed for two years, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all personal property.The court also ruled that the income and income from Wang Fuyu's bribery and the benefits used to pay the bribery were confiscated according to law and paid the state treasury.Wang Fuyu stated that he obeyed the court's decision and did not appeal.

Wang Fuyu was charged from 1995 to 2021, using the convenience of the post of Secretary and mayor of the Qiongshan Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the member of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the secretary of the Sanya Municipal Party CommitteeThe convenience conditions of the staff of other countries can help relevant units and individuals in terms of corporate operations, planning approval, job adjustment, and case handling, and directly or through others illegally accepting the property given by the above units and individuals illegally.A total of more than RMB 434 million.Among them, more than 4.8 million yuan of real estate has not yet been obtained, and it is attempted of crime.

Wang Fuyu was also charged after leaving. From 2019 to 2020, he used influence to accept the property given by others, a total of more than 17.35 million yuan.

The court believes that Wang Fugu's behavior constitutes a crime of bribery and uses influence to accept bribery.Wang Fuyu's bribery amount is particularly huge, the circumstances of the crime are particularly serious, and the social impact is particularly bad. He has caused particularly significant losses to the interests of the country and the people. He should be sentenced to death.

In view of the fact that Wang Fuyu's automatic investigation, the facts of the crime of bribery that the case handling agency had already controlled truthfully, and actively explained the fact that the case of the case that had not yet mastered the use of influence and bribery and most of the crime of bribery.Attempted, the defendant was able to confess his guilty and actively retreat, and all illegal income and income were recovered to the case. It has a legal and appropriate confession.The crime of bribery was punished lightly.The court made the above judgment.

Wang Fuyu once held different positions in Hebei, Hainan, and Guizhou. In December 2004, he served as Deputy Secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee.The monthly stepped down, and the dismissed in February last year.

The CCP Discipline Inspection Commission and CCTV jointly produced anti -corruption feature films Zero tolerance for the first time yesterday disclosed that Wang Fuyu and his younger brother had received 60 million yuan of stolen money from the Moutai project.