On the evening of January 16th, the second episode of the TV special film was broadcast, and the former party secretary and chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference were repented.

In the face of the camera, Wang Fuyu regretted saying: What you (referring to himself) what do you want money, bury you!I now know that my crazy greed climbed into the peak, but I don't know what the money is for.

In the 1990s, we started to collect wealth, and I was still collecting money a few days before being left.

In the special film, Wang Heng, deputy director of the Tenth Supervision and Inspection Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, disclosed that Wang Fuyu's illegal discipline and illegal discipline, collecting money and collecting money began in the 1990s.The money given by the Lord has continued for a long time and hidden very deeply.The task force found a number of real estate involved in the case, some were directly received by Wang Fulu, some were purchased by disciplinary and illegal income, and some of them bought him for a long time for him to use.A luxurious villa that Wang Fuyu used in Guiyang for a long time was invested by a close -up boss for high -end decoration. The movie hall and the gym were all available.

Text hanging on the wall of Wang Fuyu Villa

Interestingly, the texts hanging in the living room of the villa are advertising the people and indifferent fame and fortune.In the middle is a famous saying in the Kangxi period: I have a unlimited official, and if I lose one official, do not talk about it.Bull, you are also the people.On the two sides, a couplet given to Wang Fulu's boss: Being good is like jade, and the spirit of the people is rich, and the word Fuyu is worried in the couplet.The contrast between the words and luxury villas on the wall is exactly the vivid portrayal of Wang Fuyu's faction.

Wang Heng pointed out that the problem of greed for enjoyment and pursuing extravagant life is very prominent in Wang Fugu. He even wants to live in Sanya in winter, live in Guiyang in summer, and live in Shenzhen in spring and autumn, so he arranges the boss in Sanya and Shenzhen., Guiyang bought him a house, and then renovated.

Obvious from golf, from Hainan to Guizhou, working to retirement

Wang Fugu's villa is close to the golf course. Pushing the window is the endless green. He loves golf. If he wants to play, he can go downstairs and walk on the swing.

In the 1990s, Wang Fugu began to contact golf, very obsessed. He played from Hainan to Guizhou, from employment to retirement, and even asked private business owners to arrange for him to play golf all over the country.It was also on the court that he and many bosses gradually fought.

When working in Hainan, Wang Fuyu began to receive a lot of bribes, and from the beginning, he had the idea of staying abroad from the beginning.The future is canceled.

From 1994 to 1998, Wang Fulu picked up in Qiongshan City, Hainan at that time. The secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor was picked up. For the first time, he tasted the taste and relaxed himself. He asked the boss to buy a house with money.As a exchange, the boss who bought a house was able to contracted some of the projects of the Hairui Bridge of Qiongshan at that time.

Hai Rui is a native of Qiongshan and an old ancestor in the history of anti -corruption. I named a bridge with his name, but I took the benefits of others.Wang Fuyu recalled his absurd past.

Since then, Wang Fuyu has arranged a number of private business owners to buy multiple real estate in many places and put them under the name of his relatives; the large amount of money he received was also kept by his brother Wang Fu.

Wang Fuyu also arranged for Wang Fu to apply for a false ID card in Henan with a pseudonym. He used the pseudonym Chen Kexiao to apply for a false ID card in Hebei. He issued multiple bank accounts with a false ID card and deposited hundreds of millions of dollars.

Wang Fuyu thought that he was hidden and secretly, and no one would find it; he was also highly weighing, and no one could supervise it. He gradually had no heart, and even after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China or even the 19th National Congress, he still did not converge or stop.

Wang Heng pointed out that Wang Fugu was suspected of accepting bribery. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it accounted for more than 70%, and the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China accounted for more than 30%.

Before retirement, more crazy to collect wealth and make optional corruption

Since 2012, Wang Fuyu has been the vice chairman and chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference. He feels that this is the last stop before retirement, and the behavior of collecting money and money is even more crazy.After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee had strong anti -corruption, and provincial and ministerial officials were constantly dismissed from all over the country. Even Wang Fuyu's younger brother Wang Fu persuaded him to consider his hands, but he was still bold.

Moutai is a unique scarce resource in Guizhou, and Wang Fuyu will naturally not let go of the opportunity to use this resource.He used his power to obtain qualifications for his son Wang Bin to obtain the Moutai specialty store, and obtained a large number of Moutai boutique wine indicators in violation of regulations, and earned huge profits.In 2014, Moutai Group invested in a resort hotel in Sanya. Merchant Shen asked Wang Fuyu to help the project construction. Wang Fuyu arranged for his younger brother Wang Fu to come forward and work with Shen in the front desk. He hid him behind the scenes.

According to Wang Fuyu's instructions, Wang Fu went to Hainan and accompanied Shen to ask the head of the Moutai Group project to have a meal, and he called Wang Fuyu for a call.

Gao Shouhong, a former party committee member and deputy general manager of Maotai Group, recalled the call and said: (Telephone) Call me, lsquo; Lao Gao Lao Gao, come to answer the phone.rsquo; I answered the phone and heard the sound of the leader, lsquo; Okay, Xiao Gao, I wish you a smooth job, you are going well, your brother will take care of you there, do n’t be polite.rsquo; I said lsquo; thank the leaders for caring for rsquo;, just a few words.After the phone call, I understood what was going on.My brother told me directly, this is the meaning of the elder brother, please take care of Gao.I said it was okay. It meant the boss, so I executed the instruction.

Later, Shen successfully won the bid, and Wang Fu sat in the name of 45%in the name of the partners.Between 2015 and 2020, Shen transferred the money to Wang Fu in accordance with the agreement.

Wang Fuyu also received huge bribes through his son Wang Bin, and was also the guise of working with Wang Bin to do business with others.A private enterprise engaged in garden greening in Zhejiang personally transported more than 60 million benefits to Wang Bin in this way, while Wang Fudu helped him contract a series of large -scale projects.

Yao Xingfu, a businessman involved in the case, said: It is a cooperative enterprise with Wang Bin, but if you think, if he does not have the father of the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, can you cooperate with him?If you don't know Wang Bin's words, like this project, a small company such as us must not be able to receive it.

Under the continuous anti -corruption high pressure, Wang Fulu adopted another means to avoid supervision. First, help the boss to do things, and then collect money after retirement.

Wang Heng disclosed: The boss promised him (Wang Fuyu), saying that you are inconvenient to be in office. What kind of guarantee I will give you after retirement.After retiring, he once thought that he had landed safely, and took the initiative to call to remind these businessmen's bosses that this promised you should be fulfilled.

Wang Fu described Wang Fuyu's last madness in this way: after retirement, he was more fierce. He didn't worry about it. He came over a lot of transfer. In the past, he still used cash and had to hide.After retirement, the direct transfer came.After retiring, he felt that he had been out of the officialdom, and he might have nothing to do.

On November 30, 2021, the Tianjin First Intermediate People's Court opened the court in the first instance and tried the case of Wang Fuyu.Wang Fuyu was sued and accused: From 1995 to 2021, he used the convenience of his position and the convenience conditions formed by the position of authority. He made benefits for relevant units and individuals in terms of business operations, planning approval, and job adjustment.The property is equivalent to RMB 434 million.After leaving the job from 2019 to 2020Honatics received more than RMB 17.35 million.Wang Fuyu expressed his confession and regrets, and the court would be pronounced.

I don't know what to do for money, I don't worry about eating and drinking.What do you want money to do, bury you!I now know that my crazy greed climbed into the peak, but I don't know what the money is for.At this time, Wang Fuyu regretted late.

Wang Fuyu seriously missed the determination and will of the Party Central Committee's anti -corruption. The ministry level is not a amulet, and retirement does not mean to go to a safe island.The issue of violation of discipline and law no matter how long it is hidden and how deep it is, there will be exposed day, and the heavier the price will be paid.

Source | Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

Original title: Wang Fuyu, who greedy 450 million, scolded himself: What do you want to do, bury yourself!