Another official fell in front of Moutai.

12309 China Procuratorate recently released a bribery case of Gong Xiaonong, an official of the Guizhou Positive Hall, and a bribery case.According to the charges of prosecutors, from early 2002 to January 2019, Gong Xiaonong was suspected of accepting the total value of others' property of about 3.8287 million yuan, of which a total of 482 bottles of Moutai wine were reached.

Gongxiao Nong WeChat public account Bijie Published

Public information shows that Gong Xiaonong, male, Han nationality, born in October 1962, was born in Dalian, Liaoning., Bijie CPPCC Party Committee Secretary of the CPPCC, Chairman of the CPPCC, etc. In January 2019, he was transferred to the party committee and deputy director (main hall of the main hall) of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Nuclear Industrial Geological Survey Bureau of Guizhou.

Due to the crime of accepting bribery, in May 2019, Gong Xiaonong was taken to take restraint measures, and was approved by the National Supervision Commission for three months to November 4, 2019.

In October 2019, Gong Xiaonong was informed.The disciplinary inspection department pointed out that Gong Xiaonong seriously violated political discipline. On major issues, different parties to the Central Committee maintained the same statement, publicly published improper remarks, destroyed the party's centralized unity, and repeatedly refused to accept the help of the organization.Create a momentum for yourself and get political capital.

The above notice also mentioned that Gong Xiaonong violated the discipline of integrity and received gifts that could affect fair execution of official duties; violated mass discipline, illegally sent fees; violating work discipline, incorrectly fulfilling their duties, and lending huge funds from private enterprises to private enterprises, causing adverse doctrinesImpact; violating life discipline, obsessed with orchids, and played.

In December 2019, the People's Procuratorate of Liupanshui City filed a public prosecution on the bribery case of Gong Xiaonong.

The procuratorial organs reviewed it in accordance with the law that from the beginning of 2002 to January 2019, the defendant Gong Xiaonong used the convenience of his position to seek benefits for 18 people to attract investment, land transfer, coal mine management, and job adjustment.Lu Moumou received a total of RMB 38.870922 million in the acceptance of the property sent by others.

The surging news sorted out the indictment and found that about half of Gong Xiaonong's bribery income came from Hu Moumou, an investor in a hospital in Nayong County, with a value of more than 1.9 million yuan.Among them, from 2005 to 2011, he used the convenience of his position to help Hu Moumou set up private hospitals in Nayong County and match commercial land.In the first half of 2006, under Gong Xiaonong's intention, Hu Moumou made the four shops and 12 houses that he invested in the construction of a certain commercial residential building built by the construction cost and earned a difference at the sale of Lu Moumou.Gong Xiaonong recognized.

From the beginning of 2006 to the beginning of 2019, Gong Xiaonong also received 70,000 yuan in cash from Hu Moumou in Nayong County, Bijie Qixing District, Guiyang Jinyang and other places 17 times, as well as 108 bottles of Flying Moutai, 15 years of Maotai. 12The bottle is equivalent to RMB 19.0764 million.

It is worth mentioning that Moutai is one of the keywords for Gong Xiaonong's bribery.According to the prosecution, including the 120 bottles of Maotai sent by Hu Moumou, Gong Xiaonong received a total of 482 bottles such as Feitian Maotai, Moutai, and Zodiac Maotai.

As introduced from the indictment, from 2011 to 2013, Gong Xiaonong received 48 bottles of Flying Moutai, Hou Moumou, the head of a company in Shanxi, a company in Shanxi, and 6 bottles of Moutai wine in 15 years, equivalent to RMB 10.2186 million.In addition, Gong Xiaonong also asked Houmou a Toyota off -road vehicle worth 818,700 yuan. The car was once used by the driver Lu Moumou, the driver of Gong.

From 2012 to the beginning of 2018, Gong Xiaonong used his position convenience to help Bijie's actual controller Ji Mou in Bijie Qixingguan District to invest in the construction of Nanshan Park and supporting projects.Bottle, 6 bottles of Moutai in 30 years, 12 bottles of Moutai wine in 15 years, and 12 bottles of the year of the chicken zodiac, equivalent to RMB 34.1362 million.

The indictment also shows that Gong Xiaonong has received a number of subordinates' belongings to help their job adjustments.

For example, from 2009 to 2011, Gong Xiaonong received 36 bottles of cash sent by Guo Mou Bing in the dormitory of Nong County three times and 36 bottles of Flying Moutai wine, equivalent to RMB 435.24 million.

From the beginning of 2007 to early 2010, Gong Xiaonong accepted the RMB 20,000 cash cash and 30 bottles of Feitian Maotai in Bijie Qixingguan District four times, equivalent to RMB 390.98 million.

From 2006 to 2011, Gong Xiaonong accepted 66 bottles of Flying Moutai in Nayong County and Bijie Qixing District six times, which was equivalent to RMB 378.18 million.

After Gong Xiaonong arrived in the case, he truthfully confessed the fact that the case handling agency had gained the bribery of Hou Moumou and Hu Moumou, and took the initiative to explain the criminal facts that the case handling agency had not mastered the other 16 people bribed.

In recent years, many officials have been related to Moutai wine. Among them, the more typical of which is the former member of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, the deputy governor of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, and the former party group of the National Tobacco Monopoly Bureau of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee.Zhao Hongshun.

The national supervision of the TV special film launched by the National Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has introduced that after Wang Xiaoguang was left, a house found that a house was piled up with Moutai, with a number of more than 4,000 bottles.Because he felt unsafe, he also poured the wine in the jar in batches into his sewer.

In April 2019, Wang Xiaoguang was sentenced to 20 years in the first instance for committing bribery, corruption, and insider trading. He was fined RMB 173.5 million.

Another television feature film launched by the National Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was introduced around the wind and anti -corruption. Zhao Hongshun, a member of the former party group and deputy director of the National Tobacco Monopoly, loved Moutai.He has borrowed three housing of his subordinates and private business owners to store assets and items obtained from disciplinary violations. Among them, there are more than 2,900 bottles of Moutai.At noon on the day of being left, Zhao Hongshun also accepted a banquet from a private business owner and drank a bottle of Maotai for 50 years.

In June 2020, Zhao Hongshun was sentenced to life imprisonment for the first instance of bribery.The court's trial found that Zhao Hongshun Li was convenient for his duties, and illegally received the property given by units and individuals, a total of 90.3243 million yuan.

As of the launch of the surging news, the specifics of Gong Xiaonong have not been released publicly.