Kurt Campbell, a coordinator of the National Security Council, said that the United States does not seek to play a leading role in the Indo -Pacific region, but seek to coexist with China in the Indo -Pacific region.

According to Reuters, Campbell attended the Canegi International Peace Foundation Network Seminar on Thursday (6th) local time.When he talked about Sino -US relations at the meeting, although the interaction between the United States and China was increasingly defined by "competition", the United States did not seek "domination".

Campbell continued, he believed that the United States seemed to coexist with China in the Indo -Pacific region under the key role of understanding China.However, he also said that the United States will continue to play a leading role on the global stage, and Beijing "if it is forced to exclude us to exclude us is a mistake."

In response to the economic connection between the United States and the Indo -Pacific region, Campbell said that the US President Biden has stated that as China's influence is growing, the United States needs to build an economic and commercial framework in the Indo -Pacific region, as well as trade in trade and trade.Play a key role in practice.

He believes that the United States must show that not only must not only comprehensively and strategically deepen diplomatic and military participation in the Indo -Pacific region, but also to participate in business activities in the Indo -Pacific region with an open, positive and optimistic attitude with an open, positive and optimistic attitudeAnd investment.

In addition, when the Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi also expressed its views on Sino -US relations in a joint interview with Xinhua News Agency and the Central Radio and Television Terminal last month.

Wang Yi said in an interview that China has seen US officials that have stated that the United States does not seek a new cold war, does not seek to change the Chinese system, does not seek to strengthen the alliance relationship against China, does not support "Taiwan independence", and has no intention of intentionally.Conflict with China.However, China also saw that in a series of issues involving China's sovereign security development, the United States continued to provoke new incidents, continuing to harm and destroy the relationship between the two countries, causing people to seriously question the credit of the United States.

He believes that if the United States wants to maintain a minimum reputation in the world, it should come up with a real action, fulfill its promises, and say that it is true to really get the trust of the Chinese people, the trust of the trust in the trust,International community.