Evergrande founder Xu Jiayin is sold in the luxury homes in the Pearl River New Town, Guangzhou. The house is required to verify 50 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about 10 million yuan).

According to the Jiupai News report, Xiaoliang Xiaoliang, a chain home agency near the Jinbiwafu Community, revealed that the above real estate was in sale and did belong to Xu Jiayin.Xiaoliang introduced that viewing of houses requires 50 million inspections, and the total price is relatively high. These 50 million refers to the mobile funds of interested buyers. Financial products such as fund stocks and bank cards are all running.50 million.

The screenshot of the Internet shows that the property is a duplex luxury house on the 25th floor of the Jinbiwa Mansion of Zhujiang New City, with an area of 753 square meters, a market price of 110 million yuan, and currently sold for 80 million.At present, real estate is in the second -hand property transaction stage, and the real estate certificate has been five years.Among them, it is also particularly emphasized that 50 million inspections and one -time payment are preferred, and the house is more than 10 million.

Xiao Liang also introduced that the current price is equivalent to 100,000 per square meter, and the price can be discussed again, but the space is not large.This price is also sold for 20 % or even 50 % off. The recent transaction price of Jinbiwar is 12 to 150,000 per square meter.

The intermediary revealed, "Xu Jiayin and Evergrande knows this situation now. Because the total price of this house is not low, it takes 50 million inspections when watching a house.Materials such as the real estate certificate and other information are uploaded to the Internet for everyone to see. "

According to the public information of Fangtianxia.com, the average reference price of the Guangzhou Jinbiwarf District is 13,1141 yuan/㎡, which is located at 732 Huacheng Avenue, Guangzhou.262 second -hand houses and 30 special housing are completed. It was completed in 2004.The property company is Guangzhou Evergrande Property Management Co., Ltd., and the developer is Guangzhou Evergrande Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

In mid -2021, Evergrande's minesweeper liabilities, price reduction sales real estate quoted local governments to introduce negative news such as "limited ordered", multi -project issuance notice, and accelerating the sale of high -quality assets.At the end of the year, Jiupai News learned from the public information that the merit monument of Xu Jiayin in his hometown in Henan was eliminated and the Haihua Island project was ordered to demolish 39 illegal buildings.