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According to the news of Xinhua News Agency on January 5, The retired cadre of the deputy army area, the former deputy political committee member and the secretary of the disciplinary inspection committee of the deputy army, was happy to be happy.He died at the age of 93.

Grandlord Comrade Story (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

Happy people are natives of Yinnan County, Hebei Province. They joined the army in 1942 and joined the Communist Party of China in 1943.During the War of Resistance Against Japan, he served as the squad leader, documents, robberies, team leaders and other positions, and participated in the battle battle of Jixian, Yutian, Baoan, and other campaigns.During the war of liberation, he served as the team leader, secretary, political instructor, deputy political instructor, division chief, and political associates.After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he has served as the Minister, Assistant, Section Chief, League Political Commissioner, Deputy Director of Division Political Department, Director of Division Political Department, Deputy Political Commissioner and Director of the Political Department, Division Political Commissioner, and Minister of the Minister of Health Department of the Air Force Political Department, Director of the Air Force Political Department of the Fuzhou Military Region, the Air Force Political Member of the Shenyang Military Region, deputy political commissar of the Air Force, and deputy political member of the Air Force as the director of the Political Department of the Air Force, etc., contributed to the revolutionary, modern and regular construction of the army.

Happy people is the representative of the 13th and 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He was awarded the rank of Lieutenant General of the Air Force in 1988, and won the Medal of Levels in the Third Independence Freedom, the Medal of Liberation of the Third Level, and the Independence Honor of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Source: Xinhua News Agency