Eric Adams, mayor of New York, called on the White House to call the crown disease "Chinese virus" and other remarks of President Trump at the beginning of the outbreak to apologize to Asian Americans.

According to Bloomberg, Adams said at a press conference held in Xiacheng, Manhattan on Tuesday: "The current president should now stand up and represent the American people," We apologize to the Chinese community. "I hope he willTo the Chinese residents of this country, we apologized for what we said and what we did. During the epidemic, we caused people to confront the Chinese community. "

announced a series ofHelp Chinatown and other parts of the city initiative.He said he would send a formal letter to Biden on Tuesday, "We will never allow the oval office to be used to attack our country."

Democrats accused Trump from regularly talking about crown diseases from China, saying that Trump refers to this disease as "Kung Flu" in a campaign rally to encourage anti -anti -anti -anti -anti -antiAsian speech.

During the US presidential campaign, Biden called Trump's wording of China and viruses as "accidental racism".In May, he signed a legislation to crack down on the rise in the crime of anti -Asian hatred; several months before that, eight people died in a large -scale shooting incident in Georgia, six of them were Asian women.

According to the data of the Hature and Extremeist Research Center of California State University St. Benadino, in the first quarter of 2021, the anti -Asian hatred crime reported to the police in the largest city in the United States increased by 189 % year -on -year.During the same period, such crimes in New York increased by 262 %.