Officials interviewed by Chongqing interviewedAccording to analysis, the official media also informed Chongqing Mayor Tang Liangzhi and the new practice of Hu Henghua, showing that Hu Henghua is more likely to be Chongqing's next mayor.However, some interviewees pointed out that Wu Cunrong, who has been a full -time deputy secretary of Chongqing for nearly a year, is more likely to be the mayor.

Wang Wei Wen Chongqing Special Commission>

The Chongqing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China has experienced changes in high -level personnel.Hu Henghua, deputy secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, went south as a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, and became one of the possible candidates for Chongqing's next mayor.Chongqing Mayor Tang Liangzhi and Executive Deputy Mayor Wang Fu no longer serve as a member of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee. Tang Liangzhi and unloaded the position of deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, which means that Chongqing Zheng and Deputy Mayor will be replaced.

Analysis of officials interviewed by Chongqing, the official media also informed Tang Liangzhi and Hu Henghua's new approach, showing that Hu Henghua is more likely to be the next mayor in Chongqing.However, some interviewers also pointed out that Wu Cunrong, who has been a full -time deputy secretary of Chongqing in the past year, is more likely to be the mayor because Chongqing's political ecology is conservative and complicated.The secretary was promoted to the mayor for about 10 months.

Chongqing Daily, Chongqing Satellite TV Chongqing News Broadcast and other official media released the above -mentioned personnel adjustment news the night before, and said that Tang Liangzhi and Wang Fu had another appointment.

Public resumes show that 58 -year -old Hu Henghua is a native of Hengnan, Hunan. He has a master's degree in business management and is a senior engineer who has worked in Hunan for more than 30 years.The mayor of the city, the director of the Hunan Development and Reform Commission, and the mayor of Changsha City.

Hu Henghua ranked among the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China at the end of 2016, and also served as the secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial SASAC.In July of the following year, Yi Lianhong, then Secretary of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee, went north to Liaoning, and served as Secretary of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee. Hu Henghua took over as the secretary of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee in the same month and was elected as an alternate member of the 19th CPC Central Committee in October that year.

March of the Mayor of the New Municipal Government's meeting

Last October, Hu Henghua left Hunan for the first time and was transferred to the deputy secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee.The new performance is Hu Henghua's second cross -provincial for more than a year.

Hu Henghua is the third secretary of Changsha since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012.The previous Changsha Municipal Party Secretary Chen Run'er and Yi Lianhong were also new across the province after they stepped down in April 2013 and July 2017. They are currently the Secretary of the Ningxia Party Committee and the Secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee.

Hu Henghua has been interviewed by the media many times during the three years of Changsha.The Beijing Youth Daily WeChat account "Zhengzhi Jun" pointed out yesterday that Hu Henghua announced in November the previous year that Changsha resolutely got rid of the dependence on real estate and land finance, and pointed out that the high -quality development of the manufacturing industry was the foundation of the city.He also revealed that Changsha Finance relied on land less than 40 %.

The officials of Chongqing analyzed to the United Morning Post yesterday: "According to the current arrangement, it should be Secretary Hu Henghua (the mayor of Chongqing) ... Because he was released by Mayor Tang Liangzhi, thisThe arrangement should be to the municipal government. "

Another official person told this newspaper:" The current situation is the two deputy secretary, and the mayor will definitely serve as the deputy secretary ...The shortage is too long. "He expected the new mayor to appear at this week's city executive meeting.

The Chongqing Municipal Party Committee currently also has a deputy secretary Wu Cunrong; he has risen from the executive deputy mayor's seat in January this year as the full -time deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, filling the vacancies left after Ren Xuefeng's death in Beijing two years ago.

Chuan Tang Liangzhi transfer to the leader of Sichuan or Chongqing

Observed from Chongqing analyzes this newspaper, Wu Cunrong may also be promoted to the mayor because the previous Chongqing was before Chongqing.Both mayor Zhang Guoqing and Tang Liangzhi have been promoted to the mayor after serving as a full -time deputy secretary.In March 2017, Wu Cunrong served as the deputy mayor of Chongqing from the executive deputy governor of Anhui, and has worked in Chongqing's officialdom for nearly five years.

The aforementioned observer also said that Tang Liangzhi, who has served in Chengdu -Chongqing for seven years, is currently rumored to be the leader of the Chinese Communist Party of Sichuan or Chongqing to continue to inject the driving force for the Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle.

Tang Liangzhi, 61, is a native of Honghu, Hubei. He is a doctor of economics and senior engineers. He used to be the mayor of Wuhan, the mayor of Chengdu, and the secretary of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee.In March 2017, he went to Chongqing to serve as a full -time deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and served as the mayor in January the following year. It has been nearly four years.Tang Liangzhi is an alternate member of the 19th CPC Central Committee.

Tang Liangzhi's former Zhang Guoqing left the Chongqing at the end of 2017, and he served as the deputy secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee across the province. He served as the mayor of Tianjin in January the following year.

As for Wang Fu, the executive deputy mayor of Chongqing, he only replaced Wu Cunrong's vacancies at the end of March this year, ranking first in the median deputy mayor.Wang Fu, 59, was born in Hunyuan, Shanxi. He was born in the economist. He worked in Shanxi for nearly 20 years before coming to Chongqing. In January 2018, he acted as a member of the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, Secretary -General, and Director of the General Office.