Xinjiang in Xinjiang northwestIt has important strategic significance for China. In the past two years, it has become the focus of international attention due to human rights issues.Ma Xingrui, who has no provincial party committee secretary, was directly promoted to Xinjiang Party Committee Secretary this time, which was regarded as a decision -making level for his unjust reuse, and also made his career.

On the occasion of the first half of the provincial party congress of the Communist Party of China, the first new face to lock the seat of the Central Political Bureau -Guangdong Province, which is the "first leader" of XinjiangLong Ma Xingrui.Some analysts believe that Ma Xingrui's promotion this time may shoulder the responsibility of promoting the development of Xinjiang's economic development and softening the former iron -handed route, but it does not mean that the Chinese Communist Party's policy will have a big shift.

The day before yesterday (December 25), the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency reported that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has recently decided that Chen nation will no longer concurrently serve as the party secretary, member of the Standing Committee, and member of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.succeed.Wang Weizhong, deputy secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, replaced Ma Xingrui as the secretary of the party group of the provincial government.

Less than a year before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party committees of various places are in full swing.As of now, 14 of the 31 provinces and regions have completed the party committee, and the remaining 17 will be re -elected in the first half of next year.According to the practice, the four leaders of Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Chongqing, as well as the secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong and Xinjiang, will be among the CCP's highest decision -making institution, the Politburo of the CPC.

Xinjiang, located in the northwest, has important strategic significance to China. In the past two years, it has become the focus of international attention due to human rights issues.Ma Xingrui, who has no provincial party committee secretary, was directly promoted to Xinjiang Party Committee Secretary this time, which was regarded as a decision -making level for his unjust reuse, and also made his career.

The 62 -year -old Ma Xingrui's ancestral home was in Shandong Tancheng. It is one of the few "50s" in the current leadership of the provincial party committee.It is known as "Aerospace Marshal".He has a doctorate degree in Harbin University of Technology and was the youngest doctoral supervisor of Harbin Institute of Technology.

Before entering politics, Ma Xingrui was the vice president of Harbin Institute of Technology, deputy dean of the China Institute of Space Technology (Fifth Academy), and general manager of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group. In 2007, he was elected as an academician of the International Academy of Aerospace Sciences.

After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Ma Xingrui has accelerated its development.In March 2013, he served as deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, director of the National Space Administration, and "airborne" Guangdong in November of the same year.In early 2015, Ma Xingrui served as the secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee. After more than a year, he was promoted to the governor of Guangdong Province and broke the practice of being promoted by local officials to the governor of the Guangdong official.When he was in Guangdong, he also served as the co -chairman of the Guangdong -Guangdong Cooperative Council.

Some analysts believe that in the Martin's predecessor and Chen's national iron -fist governance model, Xinjiang basically eliminated violent terrorist incidents, but economic development is still relatively backward.Ma Xingrui, who Zeng Zeng, was transferred to Xinjiang at this time, may shoulder the task of promoting the local economy.

Scholars: It does not mean that there will be a big shift in the policy of the Communist Party of China.Although Ma Xingrui entered the Politburo, there was no suspense, but from the age of the provincial government officials, the 62 -year -old manager of the new provincial party committee was already a "age ceiling", which made his further promotion after his full -time promotion became uncertain.

Lu Xi judged that after taking office, Ma Xingrui or softened Chen's previous iron -handed routes, but did not mean that the CCP's policy of governing the country will have a big shift."Chen nationally left after the term of office, and the high -level performance should be quite satisfied with him. His next step is more eye -catching than Ma Xingrui."

Chen Quanuo, who has just stepped down as the secretary of the Xinjiang Party Committee, isA small number of local members of Tibet and Xinjiang's two major ethnic minority autonomous regions.There are rumors that Chen will return to Beijing as the deputy leader of the Central Rural Work Leading Group.

According to the practice of the Politburo member of the Communist Party of China (77 -year -old "(67 -year -old, retired at the age of 68), Chen Quanuo, 67 next year, is also expected to stay as a member of the Politburo and even the Standing Committee of the Politburo.He may also replace Wang Chen, deputy chairman of the Standing Committee of the 71 -year -old National People's Congress to host the work of the National People's Congress.

(Reporter is a special agent in Shanghai Morning Post)