According to sources quoted by Hong Kong media, after the United States announced that it would apply for diplomatic resistance to the Beijing Winter Olympics, it applied to China for an inbound visa for 18 officials in China to provide security support during the Beijing Winter Olympics.

According to the two sources quoted by the South China Morning Post and the reports reported, the US government recently submitted a three -month visa application to China. 18 people will participate in the list will participate in February next year in February next yearThe Beijing Winter Olympics held to support its security operations.

A non -name source said that of the 18 people on the list, 15 were staff members of the US State Department and one of the staff of the Pentagon, and most of them were low -level officials.U.S. officials also told Chinese officials that 40 officials' visa applications may be submitted in the next few months.

It is unclear whether China will approve the US visa application, but a person familiar with the matter said that the Chinese and American governments have a great difference in definition of diplomatic resistance.

The Beijing government believes that if the 18 officials visited the Winter Olympics, they violated the purpose of the diplomacy that Washington called out of the Beijing Winter Olympics; the United States believed that the 18 people on the list were not official representatives, but instead ofIn order to support security and medical care, the Winter Olympics does not violate the significance of diplomatic resistance.

These visa applications were submitted after the US President Biden confirmed that he was considering the implementation of diplomatic resistance to the Beijing Winter Olympics at the end of November.The White House announced on the 6th of this month that based on China's "Atrocities", the United States will not send official delegations to participate in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

Subsequently, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Belgium and other countries also announced the follow -up to implement diplomatic resistance to the Beijing Winter Olympics.New Zealand, which belongs to the "Five Eye Alliance", announced that it would not send officials to attend on the grounds of the crown disease.Although Japan announced yesterday that it would not send government delegations to attend, it was unwilling to use the name of "diplomatic resistance" to describe Japan's actions against the Winter Olympics. At the same time, it emphasized that Japan made a judgment after comprehensive consideration.