On December 24, the Journalism Office of Hunan Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture reported the incident of Li Tiantian, a teacher in Xiangxi.In response to the related issues questioned by netizens, Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture has set up a working group for investigation.On the afternoon of the 23rd, the mother and sister of Li Tiantian, the teacher of Yongshun, Xiangxi, voiced, saying that Li Tiantian had been suffering from depression for a long time and recently worsened his condition.It is receiving treatment at the Yongshun County People's Hospital.

At the same time, because of the Li Tiantian incident, Jiang Libo, deputy county deputy county mayor of the county's education in the county, was also involved in the vortex of public opinion and became the focus of attention of netizens.Some netizens posted that Jiang Libo, deputy head of Yongshun County, Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, from a tourist company staff outside the system to a middle school teacher in Yongshun County. At the age of 25 at the age of 25, he was promoted.He is the deputy secretary of the Yongshun County Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, and became the deputy head of Yongshun County at the age of 38. The promotion performance was questionable.

On December 23, the reporter repeatedly called Jiang Libo's call, but no one answered.The reporter then called the cadre group of the Organization Department of the Yongshun County Party Committee. A staff member said that they did not hear the situation reported by netizens. (Jiang Libo) appointment and removal must be in line with the regulations. The details of the appointment and removal at the time were not convenient to disclose.The reporter then called the organizational department of the Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture Party Committee. A staff member said that when she was promoted in 2008, the cadre supervision department should have been investigated.

New Yellow River Reporter: Guo Jigang