Recently, Chen Yaoming, a China Banking Corporation, has circulated on the Internet that Chen Yaoming was suspected of serious violations of laws and disciplines and proactively committed the case.The relevant person in charge of the People's Bank of China Monetary and Bank of China said that this is a rumor and bad nature.RMB printing has strict working procedures and technical standards, and the People's Bank of China has been carried out related work in accordance with laws and regulations.Our bank has severely condemned rumors and rumors, and has reported to the public security organs.(End)

Further reading

Sudden!Less than one year of taking office, Chen Yaoming, director of the China Banking Mint Corporation, took the initiative to invest in the case

He has been a member of the party committee and directors for more than 11 months. Chen Yaoming, a China Banking Mint (hereinafter referred to as the Banking Corporation), was investigated!

Chen Yaoming take the initiative to invest in the case

On December 8th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that according to the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the People's Bank of China and the Hebei Provincial Supervisory Commission, the Party Committee and Director of the Chinese Champion's Coinage Corporation Chen Yaoming were suspected of serious disciplinary violations.The active investigation is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation.

Image source: Nanjing Mint WeChat

It is worth noting that Chen Yaoming has been a member of the Party Committee and Director of the Banking Corporation for less than a year.Public information shows that Chen Yaoming is 57 years old, from Hengyang, Hunan, a bachelor's degree in college. He joined the work in August 1984 and joined the Communist Party of China in March 1996.In the first 17 years of his career, Chen Yaoming successively served as a cadre, deputy director, and chief clerk of the Comprehensive Planning Office of the China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation, a member of the preparatory group of the anti -counterfeiting printing company, and Hainan Watson Industrial Company (a subsidiary company)Deputy general manager and general manager, deputy director of Shanghai Banking Printing Factory.

In August 2001, he entered the Banking Printing Corporation and served as a member and deputy general manager of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of the China Monthrus Corporation.After taking office for 10 years, Chen Yaoming officially worked in the Party Committee and Director of the Party Committee and Director of the China Banking Coinage Corporation in January 2021.

During the deputy general manager of the Banking Corporation, Chen Yaoming has published articles in the financial electronic journal to standardize and standardize the protection of the RMB circulation environment.

The article pointed out that the company's standardization work is required to closely focus on five business segments including cash manufacturing, cash services, currency culture, currency information, and monetary capital operations.The vision of global competitive world -class banknote printing companies with global competitiveness has laid a solid foundation.

Many people have been checked in the past two years

The Banking Printing Corporation was established in July 1984 and directly belonged to the People's Bank of China.At the beginning of its establishment, its name was the People's Bank of China Printing Corporation. In 1992, it was renamed the Banking Printing Corporation.Invoices, securities, anti -counterfeiting notes, anti -counterfeiting documents, precious metal refining processing and other production and operation and marketing activities, carry out technology, services and product import and exports related to the above businesses, and other business -related business.

It is worth mentioning that in the past two years, many people have been investigated.

On July 2 this year, the official website of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the National Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection showed that He Lin was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently accepting the disciplinary review of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the People's Bank of China and Beijing Dongcheng District.Supervision and investigation.

He Lin, 63, was the deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager of the China Banking Corporation for 10 years.The second horse has been retired for nearly three years.

The responsibilities of the money printing head office are mainly safe production and anti -counterfeiting of banknotes.According to, a person close to the central bank revealed that He Lin may involve corruption in procurement during his time as the general manager of the Banking Corporation.

He introduced that all kinds of machinery and equipment of money printing paper, and ink's inks are specially made and belonging to special procurement products.Because its price does not refer to the price in the market, it is easy to say.Especially before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the government's centralized procurement procedures have not been fully standardized. It has room for rent -seeking.

According to the aforementioned person analysis, most of the corruption cadres of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and the Development and Reform Commission system are mostly corruption involving approval. As a macro department, the central bank has less approval authority.Essence

This year, on June 8th, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection also announced that Chen Guangquan, a member of the Party Committee and technical director of the China Financial Electrical Corporation, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations.Municipal Supervision Committee Supervision and Investigation.

Chen Guangquan, 48, has been working as a Chinese financial electronic company since 2000. He has successively served as cadres, developed a cadre, developed a deputy general manager, general manager, deputy director of software development center, technical director, party committee member(Deputy Division level).

On April 22, 2020, the PBC PBC Clean Financial Account of the People's Bank of China disclosed that Duwei, general manager of China Banknotes Financial Services Technology Co., Ltd., was suspected of serious duties and undergone supervision investigations.Dewey's resume shows that Dewey, male, Han nationality, born in January 1970, Heilongjiang Helen, joined the work in July 1991, college culture, and current general manager of China Banknote Financial Technology Co., Ltd.

According to the official website of China Banknote Financial Services Co., Ltd., the company is approved by the People's Bank of China, and Chengdu Winning Co., Ltd., Shenyang China Banknote CITC Financial Equipment Co., Ltd., Chengdu Yinxiao Financial Services Co., Ltd., Beijing Renren Bank Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.The financial outsourcing service enterprise was jointly contributed by the company's four banking systems.

It is worth mentioning that on January 15, 2020, the person in charge of another subsidiary of the China Banking Mint Corporation was also investigated.The official website of the People's Bank of China disclosed that Gong Shiliang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Banking Guoding Investment Co., Ltd., was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently being reviewed and investigated.

According to the official website of China Banking Guoding Investment Co., Ltd., in 2004, the registered capital was 1 billion yuan, and it was directly belonged to the national legal currency production enterprise MDASH; MDASH; China Banking Coinry Corporation.The company, Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd., Shenyang Mint Co., Ltd., Nanjing Mint Co., Ltd. and China Banknote Great Wall precious metal Co., Ltd. are controlled.

Open the mysterious veil of the money printing factory

In the public impression, the money printing factory is a mysterious place.As a 10 -year -old boss who had been in charge of the China Banking Mint (was checked in July this year), He Lin had unveiled the mysterious veil of the money printing factory in an interview with the media.

According to the Southern Metropolis Daily, He Lin said that the China Banking Monrection Corporation has been a very mysterious unit for many years.In the past, this industry was often called the three special industries, referring to special industries that produce special products and implemented special management.When I participated in the work of the money printing industry in 1983, I didn't know the industry.People have a lot of mystery about the printing of the money printing.

He Lin explained that, in fact, compared with ordinary printing manufacturing companies, there are indeed many specialties in management.For example, our employees are official workers of state -owned enterprises, but for a long time, employees have adhered to the industry's confidential system.; Another example is digital management.Any company's accuracy of product figures is not as strict as our industry, so that it is harsh.Not only is the product absolutely accurate, but even the feet of productionThere are also strict digital control requirements.Therefore, there are some typical practices in our industry management, which is unheard of in other industries.In addition, the high vigilance of product quality control and safety is also difficult to compare with general enterprises.

According to the official website, the China Banking Monrection Corporation is directly under the People's Bank of China. It is a large state -owned wholly state -owned wholly state -owned wholly state -owned wholly state -owned wholly state -owned wholly state -owned wholly state -owned wholly state -owned wholly state -owned wholly state -owned wholly state -owned wholly state -owned wholly state -owned extensionenterprise.As designers, manufacturers and maintenanceers of the national legal currency, the China Banking Monrection Corporation has designed and printed five sets of RMB.

In the field of global banknote printing and coin, China has the largest industrial scale, the most complete professional door category and the most complete industrial chain.The head office has 23 large and medium -sized enterprises (including 1 national technology research and development center MDash; MDASH; China Banknote Research Institute).Including 7 manufacturing companies, 3 mint companies, 2 banknote paper production enterprises, 3 special anti -counterfeiting, special inks, carving models and other professional companies and 7 market -oriented enterprises are distributed in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Xi'an, Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an, and Xi'an.Shijiazhuang, Nanchang, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Nanjing, Haikou, Shenzhen, Baoding, Kunshan and other cities.

Qian Jixing is like a mountain, and the virtue is thousands of crickets;This is a true portrayal of the working environment and mental state of the employee of the money printing company.

However, Chen Yaoming, as the person in charge of China's largest printed money -printing company, did not do this. He was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and will not escape the French Open.