Zhao Weiguo, chairman of Ziguang Group Co., Ltd., vowed to "keep fighting" for the acquisition plan.This exacerbates open disputes around Ziguang Group's $ 9 billion (S $ 12.28 billion) rescue plan.

According to Bloomberg, Zhao Weiguo opposed the advice of the acquisition of Ziguang Group's acquisition of Ziguang Group from Beijing Jianguang Asset Management Co., Ltd., which detonated the conflict.His holding company Beijing Jiankun Investment Group Co., Ltd. holds 49 % of Ziguang Group.

Zhao Weiguo said in an interview on Tuesday that Jiankun Group is now going to dig out the supporters behind Jianguang Assets;Before the consortium of asset participation successfully won the bidding for Ziguang Group, he did not show the mountains.

In a statement issued last week, Zhao Weiguo pointed out that the valuation of the acquisition plan for Jianguang Assets for the Yangtze River Storage (one of the main assets of Ziguang Group) was only 47.9 billion yuan (10.257 billion new new new new RMB (10.257 billion yuan)Yuan), far below the reasonable valuation of nearly 160 billion yuan.Zhao Weiguo said in a statement that the rescue plan of Jianguang Assets will lead to 73.4 billion yuan of state -owned assets.

The manager of Ziguang Group appointed by the court rejected Zhao Weiguo's criticism last Friday, and accused the company's debt crisis mainly due to the poor operation and management of Zhao Weiguo and the rapid acquisition of domestic and foreign rapid acquisitions.The manager said in the statement that the selection of strategic investors adopts a public recruitment method, which is fair, fair, and public; and will hold a creditors meeting to vote for reorganization plan on December 29.

Zhao Weiguo said that the reorganization plan is now a intention to crime; even if the creditors' meeting is approved, he will keep the lawsuit all the time.

The representatives of Ziguang Group, Ziguang Group manager and Jianguang Assets did not respond to SMS and called for comments.