10 officials in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, were held accountable for large -scale relocation and cutting down trees in the city, including Luo Jijing, deputy secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Lin Dao, deputy mayor, and Lin Dao.

The Guangdong Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission "Nanyue Qingfeng Network" reported today (12th) that according to the deployment of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection established a large -scale migration and cutting city trees incident accountability investigation team in Guangzhou.In -depth investigations of poor performance of relevant units and personnel, in -depth investigations of negligence and losses, and serious accountability of 10 leading cadres including Luo Jijing, deputy secretary of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee.

Among them, Luo Jijing, deputy secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, warned the punishment; the former member of the party group of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government and the deputy mayor Lin Daoping's severe warning, the administrative records were sanned, and the office was removed;Given the director of the Standing Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee (the former party secretary and director of the Guangzhou Forestry and Garden Bureau) Yang Guoquan's serious warning, government affairs downgraded, removal of government affairs;The party was severely warned, the memo of the government was greatly punished, and it was removed from office; and the government affairs record of Su Juan, the chief engineer of the Guangzhou Forestry and Gardening Bureau, had been given a punishment.

At the same time, Huang Chengjun, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Guangzhou Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau of Guangzhou Housing, and Urban -Rural Development Bureau;Members of the party group, the deputy district Yangjiang Guihong party's serious warning, the administrative records were overdue, and the office was removed.Yang Weiguo, secretary of the party group and director of the Yuexiu District Culture, Radio, Television Tourism and Sports Bureau, warned and punished.

The report pointed out that the large -scale relocation of urban trees in Guangzhou has severely damaged a number of old trees and old trees, destroying the natural ecological environment and historical and cultural features of the city, and hurting the people's good memory and profoundness of the city.Feelings are typical destructive "construction" behaviors, which have caused major negative effects and irreparable losses. The errors are serious and profound.

Notice stating that it is necessary to resolutely prevent the problem of destructive "construction" in urban renewal.To make the blessing for the people as the most important achievement.We must adhere to the planning and construction of cities with scientific attitude, advanced concepts, and professional knowledge planning, respect the laws of urban development, respect the natural ecological environment, respect historical culture, respect the demands of the people, adhere to scientific decision -making, democratic decision -making, according to law, strengthen the supervision of approval, improve expertsProcedures such as demonstration, public participation, risk assessment, and legitimacy review, and "embroidery" work, continuously improve the modernization level of urban governance systems and governance capabilities.

According to the data released by the Guangzhou Forestry and Garden Bureau this year, the area of the city of Guangzhou is about 45%, and there are about 586,000 strains, of which nearly half are banyan trees and about 276,200.However, since this year, many Guangzhou citizens have discovered that the banyan trees around them are suddenly removed and replaced by new planting small saplings such as yellow flowers and Fenghuangmu, or changed to flower lawns.The Guangzhou Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau issued a plan on the improvement of road greening quality in November last year, showing that the city's seven major roads are planned. It is planned to remove or cut more than 4,300 trees, of which more than 3,000 banyan trees have caused many citizens to dissatisfy.Some people reported to the central government and shocked the high -level.

The Guangdong Provincial Government issued a document on December 6, requiring strictly protecting the famous trees and its natural habitats, and banning large -scale demolition in urban and rural construction and urban renewal.