On December 7, the Supreme People's Court's theoretical learning center group carried out collective study discussions on online public opinion communication.Mu Hongyu attended the leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Supreme People's Court of the Supreme People's Court and a member of the Party Group of the Supreme People's Court.

The news shows that Mu Hongyu, a tiger girl, has returned to work in Beijing.She had previously served as member of the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission.During his tenure in Chongqing, she strongly anti -corruption, repeatedly emphasized that Sun Zhengcai had a bad influence and Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun poisoned.

In recent periods, the tiger tigers have been adjusted intensively.Taking November as an example, from November 24th to 27th, in three days, Inner Mongolia, Tianjin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong, Guizhou, Gansu, and Sichuan 8 provinces (cities) disciplinary committees were mobilized.At present, the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Gansu and Guizhou Province is still vacant.

From the perspective, from January to October, the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of 6 provinces (autonomous regions) of Henan, Guangdong, Hainan, Hainan, Hunan, Hubei, and Xinjiang has been adjusted one after another.

All inter -provincial linkage adjustments

So far, the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has been the most concentrated in November, and the inter -provincial linkage adjustment is a major feature of this round of adjustment.

They are: Liu Changlin, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Gansu Province, served as Secretary of the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Liu Shuang, Secretary of the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, served as Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Liu Qifan, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, served as Secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Liao Jianyu, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Liaoning Province;Secretary Xia Hongmin served as Secretary of the Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Chen Tiekuan, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Shandong Province, served as Secretary of the Tianjin Discipline Inspection Commission.

At present, the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Gansu Province and the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Guizhou Province are still in a vacant state.Former Sichuan Provincial Discipline Inspection Party Secretary Wang Yanfei has served as a member of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial People's Congress, and Deng Xiuming, the former secretary of the Tianjin Discipline Inspection Commission, has served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.

In terms of age, Chen Yuanguan, Liu Shuang, and Liu Qifan are all post -65s. Among them, Liu Shuang was born in November 1969 and was 52 years old.The remaining years of Xia Hongmin, Liu Changlin, and Wang Yanfei were born from 1961 to 1964.

Liu Shuang, a native of Yingkou, Liaoning, has rich resumes and has experienced the military, the State Council, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and local provinces.At the age of 17, he joined the Personnel Department of the General Office of the State Council at the age of 27.

In December 2014, Liu Shuang moved to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. He served as the Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Director of the Cadre Supervision Office, and Minister of Organization (Deputy Minister).

Liu Shuang took over Liu Qifan.Liu Qifan was born in April 1967. He was a native of Shuicheng, Guizhou. He graduated from Xiamen University and has been practiced in Guizhou. He worked at the Guizhou Provincial Mystery Reform Commission, the Provincial Government General Office, the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, and the Policy Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee.

He has successively served as Deputy Director of the Policy Research Office of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Secretary -General of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Tongren Municipal Party Committee, and Secretary -General of the Provincial Party Committee.Fanxin.

Chen Huankuan, born in March 1965, is a PhD in law from Gaoyou, Jiangsu. He graduated from the Department of Criminal Investigation of the Southwest School of Political Science and Law and worked in the Shanghai Public Security Bureau and the Shanghai Procuratorate for a long time.

He has served as the secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau, deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps, Deputy Director of the Political Department, member of the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, director of the Political Department, member of the Party Affairs of the Shanghai Procuratorate, Attorney General of the Second Branch, Deputy Procuratorate of the Municipal Procuratorate, Deputy Secretary of the Party GroupEssence

In January 2016, Chen Tiekuan entered the work of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and served as the director of the Tenth Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Office. In October of the same year, the airborne Shandong served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission.

Professor Zhu Lijia of the Central Party School told China News Weekly that the inter -provincial transfer of the disciplinary committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission is a customary practice of personnel adjustment, which is conducive to optimizing the political ecology, and it is also conducive to breaking the human love network, relationship network, and strengthening anti -corruption efficiency and deterrent power.

A major case of investigating a major case and severe punishment of corruption

Many Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection had investigated and handled major cases. Taking the post -65s Chen Ci Kuan, Liu Shuang, and Liu Qifan as an example, in October 2016, Liu Qifan went north to Inner Mongolia, and at the helm of disciplinary inspection and supervision of the autonomous region.

At that time, Liu Qifan was the youngest provincial discipline committee secretary in China.Regarding the disciplinary inspection and supervision work, he had published signed articles in China Discipline Inspection and Supervision, saying that only the stress continued to increase and continuously transmit it could he hold the responsible beef nose and manage the control of the tube and the governance of the governance.Only when the attitude of no restricted area is unchanged and the scale of zero tolerance will not be reduced can the supervisor make the chief of teeth, discipline discipline, and blame.

In the 2020s, Inner Mongolia set off a anti -corruption storm, and the corruption in the field of coal -related is 20 years.During Liu Qifan's tenure, a large number of coal tigers and black Jinshuo rats appeared in the original shape, such as Du Xuejun, former secretary of the Ulanchabu Municipal Party Committee, Liu Guihua, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Ordos Municipal People's Congress.Under the strong deterrent and policy inspiration, many officials took the initiative to invest.

According to public reports, as of November 6 this year, there were 736 cases and 1023 cases of coal -related cases in Inner Mongolia, including 69 cadres at the department and 243 county -level cadres.Human -owned economic losses exceeded 50 billion yuan.

It is worth mentioning that the Discipline Inspection Commission of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has reported several times in the four consecutive issues (4 and 6 hall officials), which has attracted a lot of attention. In the 20 years of investigation, it has also become the top ten anti -corruption of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission in 2020.One of the keywords.

On November 17, the WeChat account of the Inner Mongolia Commission for Discipline Inspection announced Liu Qifan's speech.He said that these five years are the most memorable period for the construction of the Inner Mongolia's clean and clean government and the struggle for anti -corruption, and the most treasured time since personal work.

Liu Qifan said that the Party Central Committee ordered to investigate 20. We did not consider gains and losses, and rushed up without hesitation.In the future, no matter when and where, like before, they will insist on the dedication of myself without myself, insist on the spirit of the fearless struggle, and use the fearless revolutionary spirit to carry the anti -corruption struggle to the end.

Liu Qifan's successor Liu Shuang had four years of experience in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. When he was the director of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, he talked about the problem of black under the lamp.In an interview with the media, he said that the establishment of a cadre supervision room should not only follow others, but also follow himself.The vision is inward and the blade is inward, and the object is the person who supervises himself.

It turned out that when I got the disciplinary committee, I entered the safe, and no one would take care of it.Therefore, through the establishment of such an institution, the actions that are really investigated and dealt with locally, in fact, the cadres of the Discipline Inspection Commission can really feel that there are now people who are managed and supervised.Liu Shuang said.

During Liu Shuang's tenure, the former deputy secretary of the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Ma Yu Chan, Chen Xiaoming, former Attorney General of the Shijiazhuang Procuratorate, Miao Decheng, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of Shijiazhuang Mayor Tangshan Municipal People's Congress, and Gao Hongzhi, secretary of the Handan Municipal Party Committee Gao Hongzhi.

Chen Tiekuan also investigated many major cases.For example, during the period of the prosecutor of the Procuratorate of the Second Procuratorate in Shanghai, Yan Shunjun, the former deputy director of the Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau, who had been investigated in 2009.This is the first time that Shanghai has investigated and dealt with corruption of cadres at the environmental protection system bureau.

Yan Shunjun is a well -known environmental protection expert. He has been the deputy director for more than ten years. He has participated in the environmental protection work of many large projects and has been retired when he was investigated.

Prosecutor Fengyun mentioned that in the entire case, Chen Huikuan grasped the rhythm of the case.When the key suspect was arrested in Beijing, he immediately asked to do the iron while it was hot to break through the case.

Shandong media once said that Chen Huikuan has the style of Confucianism. It is not only good at criminal investigation, but also has books such as financial securities crime difficulties, analysis of doubts about intellectual property crimes, and research and analysis of incidental homicide cases.