Chen Zhaoshi, director of the Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau, said that the various epidemic prevention and anti -epidemic measures of the SAR government in the past two years have been attacked by some "unsatisfactory", which seriously affects the effectiveness of resistance.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, Chen Zhaoshi suggested in the net today to improve the effectiveness of parliament and government governance and allow the people's livelihood work to promote smoothly.She urged voters in the medical and health community, food industry, and the fisheries and peasants to vote enthusiastically in the election of the Legislative Council on the 19th of this month.

Chen Zhaoshi said that the Legislative Council's Internal Affairs Committee held a number of meetings in October the previous year, but failed to select Zheng and Deputy Chairman, which caused many legislative work of the SAR Government to be blocked.Continuous internal consumption and unnecessary and irrational disputes have also seriously affected the effectiveness of parliament and government, which greatly affected the work related to important people's livelihood.

Chen Zhaoshi pointed out that improving the effectiveness of the governance of the parliament and the SAR government can promote the smooth promotion of the people's livelihood work in the Food and Health Bureau, and eventually benefit the general public, especially in the face of the crown disease epidemic, parliament and governmentTogether, it will definitely help effectively implement various epidemic prevention measures, which not only keeps Hong Kong "dynamically clear zero", but also contributes to global epidemic prevention.